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513 items found (Showing 1 - 10)
  1. Key Resource Edible Portion: Leaves A shrub or small tree. It grows 5 m tall. There are prickles along the stem. The leaves are twice divided and there are 8-18 pairsof pinnae. There are up to 50 pairs of pinnules on each pinnae. The flowers are yellow. They are in large clusters at the ends ofbranches. The...  
  2. Key Resource Edible Portion: Flowers A herb. It has a dense mat of rhizomes 3-5 mm across. There is a deep woody taproot. The stems can be erect or lie over.They are 5-35 cm long and 2-3 mm across. They can be hollow. The leaves have 4 leaflets. They are 4 cm long by 2 cm wide.The flowers are in the axils of...  
  3. Key Resource Edible Portion:Fruit, Spice The plant grows 1-5 m high. It can be grown in a pot as a small plant. The plants have thorns and the leaves are long andnarrow and do not have a citrus smell. The flowers are white and have a smell. They appear in clusters of 1-5. The fruit areround and 2.5 cm across....  
  4. Key Resource Edible Portion:Gum, Leaves - Tea An evergreen tree. It grows to 15 m high with a spread of 5 m across. The stem is green and angled. The young branches arewinged. The leaves (phyllodes) are dark green and are divided into secondary leaflets. They have a appearance like a feather.The leaves are 8...  
  5. Key Resource Edible Portion: Seeds, Leaves A bottle shaped tree. It is a tropical plant. It grows in limestone regions.  
  7. Plant Fact Sheets about Nuts, Seeds, Herbs, and Other Foodsfrom Food Plants International.
  8. 2011-10-20 Spider Flower (Cleome gynandra) East Africa’s Drought: Q and A The Importance of Indigenous Food Plants Famine in the Horn of Africa Introducing ECHO’s New Online Community Portal—in over 30 Languages!
  9. 2011-10-20 An important part of ECHO’s ministry is sharing information about underutilized plants. Many of the seeds in our seed bank are for crops that have not been heavily researched, but that have been found to grow well under challenging conditions and that are already important to people in some...  
  10. 2011-10-20 Cleome gynandra, commonly known as “Spider Flower,” “Spiderwisp” or “Cat’s Whiskers,” is an erect annual indigenous to Africa. Though it occurs as a weed or “volunteer crop” in many parts of the tropics, in countries such as Tanzania, spider flower is cultivated in household gardens as a valuable...