1. 2019-11-26 Session: Iron is considered a very important nutrient in the human body because it plays a vital role in oxygen transport as well as other several physiological functions. Iron deficiency is a serious health concern especially during childhood and adolescence at it impairs mental development and...
  2. 2019-11-26 Session :Sustainable intensification (SI) has received much attention in order to ensure future food-feed-energy security and meet current needs of communities in developing countries. Proper identification of smallholder farmers’ needs and priorities, development of target oriented and...
  3. 2019-11-26 Session: Activities will be shared which have impacted the marginalized in Kondoa town by improving nutrition for the most insecure. A multi-sectoral approach was used involving staff from agriculture, health and community development departments. Dorice Munisi has a BSc in Home Economics and...
  4. 2019-11-26 Session: The presentation contains the impact of integrating rural farmers and creation of awareness of group lead farmers in food security. Gabriel and Ernestine Kamarora, is a Food security project manager at AEBR-CFGB and has a five years in food security project and community development
  5. 2019-11-26
  6. 2019-11-26 Session: The presentation will discuss perennial vegetables, traditional nutrient dense vegetables, and their important role in improving nutrition at the household level. This presentation will focus on multiplication and distribution of plants that are very nutritious for human consumption....
  7. 2019-11-26 Session: The Farmer Field School approach has been used all over the world to transfer technologies to farmers in a sustainable, participatory and experiential way. As communities are increasingly faced with food insecurityand climate change, there’s a need to involve farmers in validating...
  8. 2019-11-26 Session: Banana Xanthomonas wilt (BXW) caused by the bacterium Xanthomonas campestris pv. Musacearum (Xcm) and Banana bunchy top disease (BBTD) caused by banana bunchy top virus (BBTV) (genus Babuvirus, family Nanoviridae) are two most important banana diseases threatening food security in the...
  9. 2019-11-26 Session: Cassava production is faced with increased pressure from pests and diseases (CMD and CBSD). The management of these virus diseases requires the development or breeding for resistant/tolerant cassava varieties with high yield and preferred by farmers. Cassava research program in...
  10. 2019-11-26 Session: Coffee farmers in Burundi have been dogged in recent years by low prices and poor input availability. Can best practices in coffee farming realistically lead to profitable farms, given the small land size and capital constraints of small-scale coffee farmers? We will look at empirical...