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  1. 2024-12-01 Inside this Issue: The Power of Conservation Agriculture and Small-Scale Irrigation Soil Cover is the driver of adoption of conservation agriculture by small-holder farmers Partner Profile: Lutheran World Federation, LWF-Burundi.

  2. 2024-04-01 Inside this Issue: Creating an Enabling Environment for Conservation Agriculture Soil Ecosystems are Bolstered by Conservation Agriculture Practices Partner Profile: ADRA ALTA Travel Schedule

  3. 2024-01-01 Inside this Issue: AdvocatingforConservationAgriculturePromotion Introducing Lidet Sitatow, Agriculture and Livelihoods Technical Advisor for Ethiopia Fall Armyworm Management Update Partner Profile: Anglican Development Services - Central Rift, Kenya

  4. 2023-09-20 Inside this issue: Green Manure Cover Crops for Regions with Bimodal Rainfall Scaling Conservation Agriculture-based Sustainable Intensification in Ethiopia (SCASI) CA Farmer Profile: Asnakech ALTA Travel Schedule

  5. 2023-06-20 In this Issue: Farming as a Business Telling the Story with Photographs Partner Profile - ODE, Burkina Faso CA Farmer Profile And much more!!

  6. 2023-03-01 Inside this Issue: Conservation Agriculture in Wet Environments Tips for Effective Storytelling CA Farmer Profile: Chrissie Stackio, Malawi Partner profile: Brethren in Christ Church

  7. 2022-12-20 Inside this Issue : Working with Service Providers to Scale Up CA Plus Master Trainers Spread CA Beyond the Foodgrains Bank Network CA Farmer Profile Partner Profile: Africa Inland Church of Tanzania, Geita ALTA Travel Schedules

  8. 2022-09-20 Inside this issue : CA Plus Enhances Irrigation Efficiency NatureBased Solutions Partner Profile: Anglican Development Services Central Rift, Kenya ALTA Travel Schedules

  9. 2022-06-01 In This Issue : Gender Equity Benefits All!! Electronic Data Collection for Project Monitoring and Evaluation Partner Profile: African Evangelistic Enterprise-Rwanda ALTA Travel Schedules

  10. 2022-03-20 Inside This Issue : Methods for FarmerManaged Seed Production Youth in Agriculture and Livelihoods Programming Partner Profile: Brethren in Christ Compassionate and Development Services Discussions from the Network ALTA Travel Schedules

  11. 2021-12-01 Inside this Issue: Strategies for Improved Seed Production Digital and Remote Extension Experience from Kenya Partner Profile: Utooni Development Organization Discussions from the Network

  12. 2021-10-01 Inside this Issue: Aggregated Marketing for Small Scale Farmers What is CA-Plus? Partner Profile: AEBR - Rwanda ALTA Travel Schedules

  13. 2021-06-01 Inside this Issue: Synthetic Fertilizer: Friend or Foe? Lessons from COVID-19 Livelihoods Projects Partner Profile: Africa Inland Church of Tanzania – Mara Ukerewe Discussions from the Network

  14. 2021-01-01 Inside this Issue: Farmer Field School Approaches Adaptive Management and Learning Partner Profile: Churches Action in Relief and Development, Malaw Welcome to John Mbae

  15. 2020-12-01 Inside this Issue: Cover Crops Bridge the Needs of Livestock and Soils Monitoring Agricultural Markets Partner Profile: The Evangelical Fellowship of Sierra Leone Discussions from the Network

  16. 2020-09-01 Inside this Issue: Mechanization: A Key to Scaling up CA A Key to Scaling up CA Situation Assessments for Effective Food Security Programming Partner Profile: Church of Uganda, Nebbi Diocese Discussions from the Network

  17. 2020-06-01 Inside this Issue: Promoting Use of Climate Services by Farmers Using Pesticides Safely Partner Profile: SOLDEV, Malawi Discussions from the Network

  18. 2020-03-01 Inside this Issue: Seed Systems in Food Security Programming Partner Profile: Help Channel Burundi Introducing Lilian Zheke, ALTA for Southern Africa ALTA Travel Schedules

  19. 2019-12-01 Inside this Issue: Conservation Agriculture with Trees Does Conservation Agriculture Reduce Labor Demands? Discussions from the Network ALTA Travel Schedules

  20. 2019-09-01 Inside this Issue: Soil Testing Strategies for Soil Health and Fertility The Role of Marketing: What Makes a Successful Project? Partner Profile: Terepeza Development Association, Ethiopia ALTA Travel Schedules

  21. 2019-06-01 Inside this Issue: FMNR Works Along-Side CA Principles Gender and Food Security Partner Profile: BAOBAB Organization in Chad Discussions from the Network ALTA Travel Schedules

  22. 2019-03-01 Inside this Issue: Lead Farmer Strategies for CA Promotion Benefits and Challenges of Intercropping Partner Profile: National Council of Churches in Kenya CA Travel Officer Schedules

  23. 2018-12-01 Inside this Issue: Managing Livestock in CA Systems Managing Termites in Conservation Agriculture Partner Profile: Brethren in Christ Compassionate and Development Services Discussions from the Network CA Technical Officer Travel Schedules

  24. 2018-09-01 Inside this Issue: Conservation Agriculture with Vegetables Facilitation Methods for CA Promotion Partner Profile: Peace and Development Network - PDN/Rwanda Discussions from the Network CA Technical Officer Travel Schedules

  25. 2018-07-01 Inside this Issue: Integrated Pest Management Developing a Biblical Perspective on Agriculture Partner Profile: Office de Développement des Eglises Evangéliques Discussions from the Network CA Technical Officer Travel Schedules

  26. 2018-03-01 In this Issue: Demonstration Plots as an Extension Tool Fodder Production Complements CA Goals Partner Profile: African Christian Church and Schools Discussions from the Network CA Technical Officer Travel Schedules