Edible: Leaves - spice
A large herb. It can be 5 m high. It grows in clumps. The leaves are large and paddle shaped. They are green. The flowers are yellow.
It is a tropical plant. It can grow in partly flooded or well drained sites. Brisbane Botanical gardens. In Townsville palmetum.
Common Names: Cachibou, Cuban cigar, Bakuwa, Berijo, Berijado, Bijao, Bijagua, Cashibou, Cauassu, Chakra panka, Fiba jaki, Hoja blanca, Hoya de te, Ja'opo, Krigo nue, Tho
Calathea cachibou (Jacq.) Lindl. ex Horan.;
Calathea discolor G. Mey.;
Calathea magnifica C.V. Morton & Skutch;
Maranta cachibou Jacq.;
Maranta casupo Jacq.;
Maranta disticha Buc'hoz;
Maranta lutea Aubl.;
Phrynium casupo (Jacq.) Roscoe;
Phrynium luteum (Aubl.) Sweet;
Phyllodes lutea (Aubl.) Kuntze;