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In August of 2014, ECHO established the Latin America/Caribbean Regional Impact Team. The goals of this team are to:

  • Make appropriate technical information more widely available among persons and organizations who serve to alleviate hunger and improve the lives of small-scale farmers.
  • Increase the awareness of regionally important crops, animal breeds and farming systems by seeking out, sharing and promoting effective indigenous innovations related to food sufficiency and poverty alleviation.
  • Increase the availability of seeds of select regionally important crops among development workers, encourage regional seed saving and sharing and determine the availability of other significant plant material.
  • Encourage networking and information sharing among development workers in each region.


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Latin America / Caribbean 更新

ECHOcommunity成员聚光:Tuntun与Thaung Si先生 2020-04-08

Patrick Trail报告摘录 – ECHO亚洲



Thaung Si and TunTun

Thaung Si(左)和Tuntun(右)在炫耀刀豆种子,它们源自ECHO亚洲种子库,现在栽培以供应缅甸种子库。

这里发生的这么多事情都源自于我们在这个地区的主要合作伙伴,Thaung Si先生。作为ECHO亚洲长期的朋友及合作伙伴,Thaung Si在多个场合与我们一起参与培训活动,我们也向他学到了很多东西。三年前,他在傈僳族浸信会神学院创建了一个社区种子库。通过种子库,他教授学生农业和园艺实践,播种许多不同类型的种子,从而对许多人的生活产生了重大影响。正是在这里,Tuntun先生和近一百位当地其他农民及参与人员在去年接受了生物炭及其它技术培训,而Thaung Si则定期予以跟进。

ECHO社区在整个地区及世界各地都有许多像Thaunag Si 这样尽职尽责的合作伙伴。这些合作伙伴接受充分培训后,便能对更多人进行培训!

活动预告: Latin America and Caribbean

最新资源: Latin America and Caribbean

关于 Latin America / Caribbean

Latin America and the Caribbean is a region of deep contrasts. Over the past two decades there has been substantial social and economic growth, enabling some to make the leap from poverty and vulnerability to stability and relative middle class comfort. Infrastructure in most large cities is modern with reliable transportation systems connecting centers of trade. The landscape is dotted with shopping centers that host well known American businesses.

However, beginning at the edges of the modern cities one can see the acute symptoms of a widespread and destructive force; the crushing weight of hopelessness in the rural villages that are home to nearly half of the region’s population. Every year hundreds of rural families abandon farming as their traditional survival strategies are no longer sufficient to support even a meager existence.

47 million people in the region suffer from hunger and malnutrition, mainly women and children.  

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