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Nina Frankel, Anastasia Gage, Measure Evaluation, Updated 2016

Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) is an essential component of any intervention, project, or program. This mini-course covers the basics of program monitoring and evaluation in the context of population, health and nutrition programs. It also defines common terms and discusses why M&E is essential for program management.

At the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Identify the basic purposes and scope of M&E
  • Differentiate between monitoring functions and evaluation functions
  • Describe the functions of an M&E plan
  • Identify the main components of an M&E plan
  • Identify and differentiate between conceptual frameworks, results frameworks, and logic models
  • Describe how frameworks are used for M&E planning
  • Identify criteria for the selection of indicators
  • Describe how indicators are linked to frameworks
  • Identify types of data sources
  • Describe how information can be used for decision-making

This course is based on the M&E fundamentals web course created by MEASURE Evaluation for the U.S. Agency for International Development’s Global Health Learning website: It follows an interactive version found online on USAID’s Global Health eLearning Center at http://www.globalhealthlearning.org/course/m-e-fundamentals.
