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World Health Organization

We support countries as they coordinate the efforts of multiple sectors of the government and partners – including bi- and multilaterals, funds and foundations, civil society organizations and private sector – to attain their health objectives and support their national health policies and strategies.

  1. We support countries as they coordinate the efforts of multiple sectors of the government and partners – including bi- and multilaterals, funds and foundations, civil society organizations and private sector – to attain their health objectives and support their national health policies and...
  2. 2005-01-01 The Traditional Medicine team and the Roll Back Malaria department have worked together to develop this model monograph on good agricultural practices for Artemisia annua L. to facilitate cultivation of this particular medicinal plant with reliable quality and to ensure a sustainable supply to...
  3. 水是生命的根本。地球上的淡水有限,而且其质量受到持续的威胁。保持淡水的质量对饮用水的供应、食品生产和娱乐用水十分重要。传染病因子、有毒化学品和放射性危害可影响水的质量。
  4. Key facts In 2017, 45% of the global population (3.4 billion people) used a safely managed sanitation service. 31% of the global population (2.4 billion people) used private sanitation facilities connected to sewers from which wastewater was treated. 14% of the global population (1.0 billion...
  5. The WHO Household Multiple Emissions Sources (HOMES) model predicts indoor concentrations and personal exposures of air pollutants associated with combusting fuels for cooking, lighting, heating and other household energy needs. The HOMES model incorporates emission rates and usage times of...
  6. Malaria is an important cause of death and illness in children and adults in tropical countries. Mortality, currently estimated at over a million people per year, has risen in recent years, probably due to increasing resistance to antimalarial medicines. Malaria control requires an integrated...
  7. 重要事实 约有30亿人通过使用以煤油,生物质(木柴、动物粪便、作物废弃物)和煤炭为燃料的明火或简陋炉灶进行烹饪。 每年,近400万人因使用固体燃料和煤油烹饪造成的室内空气污染而过早死亡。 室内空气污染可导致中风、缺血性心脏病、慢性阻塞性肺病和肺癌等非传染性疾病。 由肺炎导致的五岁以下儿童死亡中,近一半是因为吸入了室内空气污染带来的颗粒物。
  8. Hand washing is one of the best ways to prevent the spread of COVID-19. But not everyone has access to running water at all times. The tippy tap is one simple and safe way to wash your hands that is especially designed for areas with no running water.
  9. Key facts Though the exact number of snake bites is unknown, an estimated 5.4 million people are bitten each year with up to 2.7 million envenomings. Around 81 000 to 138 000 people die each year because of snake bites, and around three times as many amputations and other permanent disabilities...
  10. Neglected tropical diseases(NTDs)– a diverse group of communicable diseases that prevail in tropical and subtropical conditions in 149 countries – affect more than one billion people and cost developing economies billions of dollars every year. Populations living in poverty, without adequate...
  11. World Health Organization&Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.(2020).COVID-19 and food safety: guidance for competent authorities responsible for national food safety control systems: interim guidance, 22 April 2020. https://apps.who.int/iris/handle/10665/331842
  12. 1999-01-01 These WHO monographs are not pharmacopoeial monographs. Their purpose is to provide scientific information on the safety, efficacy and quality control/quality assurance of widely used medicinal plants, in order to facilitate their appropriate use in WHO’s Member States; to provide models to...
  13. 2002-01-01 Volume 2 of theWHO Monographs on Selected Medicinal Plantsprovides an additional collection of 30 monographs covering the quality control and traditional and clinical uses of selected medicinal plants approved by 120 experts in more than 50 countries. The monographs are intended to promote...
  14. 2007-01-01 This is the newest volume. This 3rd volume contains an additional collection of 32 monographs describing the quality control and use of selected medicinal plants. WHO monographs are comprehensive scientific references for drug regulatory authorities, physicians, traditional health practitioners,...
  15. 2009-01-01 The Fourth WHO Consultation on selected medicinal plants recommended WHO to update existing monographs in view of the availability of new data and of the format change that has been employed for volumes 3 and 4, and that this process should be given priority over the development of new...
  16. 2019-01-01 A disease whose time has come-- Snakebite envenoming is a neglected tropical disease (NTD) that is responsible for enormous suffering, disability and premature death on every continent. As over 5.8 billion people are at risk of encountering a venomous snake, it is not surprising but no less...
  17. 1997-01-01 The first comprehensive, illustrated guide to vector control methods suitable for use by individuals and communities. Published at a time when large-scale control programs organized by governments are declining, the manual aims to help non-professionals understand the role of vectors in specific...
  18. A selected group of WHO publications that may be useful to the ECHO network. Full list of publications on the WHO site. WHO Regional publications African Region Region of the Americas–PAHO South-East Asia Region European Region Eastern Mediterranean Region Western Pacific Region

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