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Research posters are effective visual tools that help present information in concise and interpretive ways. Yearly at ECHO's International Agriculture Conference, posters that pertain to tropical agriculture and development are presented by ECHO staff and conference delagates. These include research summaries, crop evaluations, development project summaries and more. If you are interested in submitting a poster for this upcoming conference, please see the poster session and guidelines. Posters may be submitted for review at any time and will be displayed on ECHO Community if approved.

27 该出版物的期数 (正在显示期号 - 2018)

Petiole Sap Testing for Rapid Nutrient Measurements - 2024-11-13

by Matt Lollar, UF/IFAS Extension

Petiole sap testing is an educational tool andservice provided by the University of Florida/IFASExtension. By using portable meters, extensionagents provide vegetable farmers with informationon the current nitrogen and potassium nutrientstatus of their crop, delivering immediate analysis.This information allows farmers to identifywhether their crop nutrient status is low,adequate, or high without having to wait forresults from a lab. Research has shown that petiolesap is more sensitive to nitrogen rate changes thanleaf tissue analysis.

Poster - Foods from the Rainbow

The Foods from the Rainbow poster promotes eating foods from ALL color groups. It shows through symbols, the micronutrients that each color contributes such as Protein, Iron, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Folate, and Antioxidants. This educational tool has been used by health promoters to teach about food diversity. You can print the poster for workshops, mothers have placed it in their kitchens, and it can be printed larger for clinics. For more educational materials visit: www.proyectocan.org

Penny Rambacher, R.D.


Leafy Greens for Health

Add greens to foods for healthier meals!

Fireless Cookers as a Holistic Poverty Alleviation Tool - 2019-11-21

Emily Kinzer 

Covenant College, Care of Creation Kenya

Research conducted by Care of Creation Kenya (CCK) among women in Kijabe, Kenya concluded that using inefficient and open cookstoves resulted in adverse health effects for the entire family, safety hazards while cooking in the kitchen and while collecting firewood, strained familial relationships, and a lack of time to fulfill other social obligations. The fireless cooker proved to be an effective, simple, and affordable tool for addressing these and other issues that often accompany those living in poverty.

A fireless cooker goes by many names including hay box, straw box, insulation cooker, and retained-heat cooker. It is a simple technology that utilizes the heat of the food being cooked to complete the cooking process or keep food warm. The fireless cooker can be insulated by cheap, local materials such as banana leaves, old clothes, grass, straw, agricultural waste, or a more expensive recycled polystyrene material.

Poster - Low-Cost Natural Building Options for Storing Seeds in Southeast Asia - 2019-01-20

Given the proper facilities necessary to store seeds long-term, whereby low temperature and low humidity are kept stable over time, it is very possible to store most orthodox seeds for several years at a time in the tropics (Harrington, 1972). Unfortunately, implementation and maintenance of the proper facilities can be very costly. Thankfully, many diverse options currently exist, from expensive, high-tech facilities down to low-cost, low-maintenance models. At ECHO, we operate our own range of seed storage facilities at our various seed banks around the world.

Poster - Small Holder Coffee Farm Challenges - 2019-11-20

Joshua Spitaleri, Taya Brown, & Adam Cobb - Presented at the 2019 EIAC

Smallholder coffee farmers struggle with several key challenges in growing, harvesting, processing, and moving their products to market.  Promising strategies and potential interventions were identified via focus group research. This involved members of the smallholder coffee farming associations in the San Pedro Yepocapa region in Guatemala.

Poster - Spatial distribution of carbon stock in various soil types and under land use/land cover classes in the Bretelle River watershed (Cabaret/Haiti) - 2019-11-20

Feed the Future  - Presented at the 2019 EIAC

• Soil carbon sequestration is a sustainable solution to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions
• Carbon sequestered in the soil has a positive impact on soil health while helping to
combat global warming. Soils rich in organic carbon are more productive and able to play
the contributing role to ecosystem services
• Carbon stored in the soil contributes to various soil functions including biomass
production, water retention and filtration, and biodiversity maintenance

A Deep Litter System for Natural Chicken Production - 2019-11-20

Noah Elhardt - Beersheba Project, Senegal

The modern poultry industry has made huge strides in the efficiency and productivity of chicken operations, with hybrid broiler chickens reaching 2.26 kg (5lbs) in as little as 5 weeks. To achieve this, genetics,  temperature, humidity, light, biosecurity, and nutrients are all meticulously controlled, while potential diseases are kept at bay with antibiotics. These operations can be very profitable, but also smell bad and carry significant environmental and health risks.

For many small scale farmers, the environmental control necessary for success with these types of operations is unattainable. In Senegal, small flocks are routinely wiped out by disease, heat stress, or other factors. Here we present an alternative system originating in Korea.

Poster - Farm-Generated Pig Feeds - 2019-01-20

The integration of livestock on a smallholder farm is key to its productivity. Livestock play a unique role on the farm, transforming plant materials and other waste products into important sources of protein, either for consumption on the farm, or for sale beyond it. Pigs are one of the most efficient in this sense, as they are omnivores, and will eat a wide variety of food types, making them excellent ‘waste disposal’ partners.

On the ECHO Asia Farm we seek to create our own ‘Farm-Generated Feeds’ in order to use the materials we have available on the farm, as well as to bring down our costs of production. In addition to the meat produced, we also highly value the manure, which we compost and use in crop production. To make our feeds we our most readily available resource, banana stems. These are fermented to break them down and used as a base for our pig feeds, being mixed with various other low-cost raw materials that are locally available, including rice bran, corn meal, and fish meal, etc…

Effect of coffee grounds on the soil nematode population of Meloidogynehaplaunder greenhouse conditions - 2018-11-20

Root-knot nematodes invade crop roots, form galls, and steal plant nutrients  causing 125 billion dollars of crop loss worldwide (Ara and Hossain, 2011). Biological control methods such as compost, yard waste, and  organic fertilizers can release nematicidal compounds as  they  decompose (McSorley, 2011). Coffee grounds are high in nitrogen, similar to other organic amendments that reduce galling from nematodes (Cooperband, 2002). When decomposing, coffee grounds release potentially-nematicidal compounds such as caffeine, tannins, and  polyphenols (Yamane et al, 2014).