Through our place-based efforts, we work at the landscape-scale with the recognition that old forests will not thrive or persist if people are hungry or without work. We also know how many wildlife species need forests with low levels of human impact and which are large enough to permit species...
For agriculture to be sustainable, land and water must be used efficiently to reduce negative impact on the environment and ensure resilience to climate change. We can’t achieve global food security without preserving the services that ecosystems such as trees and forests provide, and we can’t...
Our natural world is experiencing a state of rapid change unprecedented in the presence of humans. The changes affect virtually all physical, chemical and biological systems on Earth. The interaction of these systems leads to tipping points, feedbacks and amplification of effects. In virtually...
1999-01-01 Genetic engineering and the cloning of organisms are “the ultimate expression of the commercialization of science and the commodification of nature.… Life itself is being colonized,” according to renowned environmentalist Vandana Shiva. The resistance to this biopiracy, she argues, is the...