Food Plant Solutions - Publications

  1. 2015-09-20 This book is designed as a simple introduction to the more common food plants for a healthy diet inIndonesia. It is hoped people will take greater pride and interest in these plants and become confident and informed about how to grow and use them. Many of the local food plants that occur in every...


  1. 霍乱是一种由霍乱弧菌引起的肠道感染病。其主要症状是腹泻和呕吐,这会使人迅速脱水,因此有致命危险。保证身体在足够长的时间内不脱水以寻求医疗帮助,是减小该病死亡率的关键。

  2. COVID-19 has now spread around most parts of the world. This animation addresses best practices to protect against Coronavirus through recommended preventative measures.

  3. 瘧疾的元兇是一種經由母瘧蚊的叮咬傳染給人類的寄生蟲。感染虐疾的人會出現以下症狀:高燒,冷顫,腹部疼痛,頭痛,以及精神疲倦。任何人在出現上述的症狀後,都應前往最近的醫療院所就診。瘧疾可能造成嚴重的併發症,特別是在嬰兒與幼童身上。預防瘧疾最重要的措施即是避免蚊蟲的叮咬。在家妥善的將蚊帳架置在床鋪或睡覺的空間周圍,以保護自己免受蚊蟲干擾也很重要。這部影片說明了正確的使用蚊帳可以幫助人們在夜晚不必擔心瘧蚊的叮咬。
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