2019-10-04 Feeling overwhelmed and helpless in the face of environmental destruction, rampant deforestation and biodiversity loss, pervasive pollution of our air, water and land, plus Climate Change? Regardless, Christ is the Creator, Sustainer, and Redeemer of the whole of creation and he has given us all...
David is an architect and spent many years leading design teams working on healthcare projects. Since 2002 he as been a member of OMF International, the Singapore-based mission agency with a vision for indigenous biblical church movements among the peoples of East Asia. David is OMF's Creation...
2015-11-17 A different type of intelligence is needed to address the complexity of our current world, Tre’ will discuss the connection between holism, faith, and the needed regeneration in our soils, souls, and society. Presenter: Tre’ is the COO/CFO of the Savory Institute in Boulder, Colorado. After...
2016-11-16 Creation care is a unique way to better understand God and participate in his redemptive work in the world. Furthermore, while care of the environment may seem a secondary priority, those we seek to serve are particularly vulnerable to its degradation. Presenter:Since 1995, Scott Sabin has served...
Creation care is a unique way to better understand God and participate in his redemptive work in the world. Furthermore, while care of the environment may seem a secondary priority, those we seek to serve are particularly vulnerable to its degradation. Presenter:Since 1995, Scott Sabin has served...
2018-11-14 The Cape Town Commitment says, "Creation care is a Gospel issue under the Lordship of Jesus Christ." Many missionaries experience firsthand the environmental degradation that makes Christian development work challenging, but don't have conservationists or scientists on staff to meaningfully...