1. This study combines both extensive and intensive analysis of development assistance programs in Asia, and focuses specifically on five case studies which provide the basis for the author's strong conviction that Third World development assistance programs must be part of a holistically perceived...
  2. This volume addresses the social and practical considerations involved in the design and implementation of effective rural development projects. Contributors stress the need to take account of the socio-cultural characteristics of the people of an area under development; their papers provide...
  3. 关键资源 1983-01-19 Rural poverty is often unseen or misperceived by outsiders. Dr Chambers contends that researchers, scientists, administrators and fieldworkers rarely appreciate the richness and validity of rural people's knowledge or the hidden nature of rural poverty. This is a challenging book for all...
  4. 2016-01-01 This book is a series of stories about local people in countries around the world who serve as community leaders. They are united by two common threads. First, they are all graduates of the Asian Rural Institute. Second, they share a vision to help communities become more self-reliant. These...
  5. 1990-01-01 This book describes how slide programs and filmstrips can be used to inform, motivate and train people in developing countries. 56 pages, illustrated
  6. A review of Ford Foundation-Supported Community Forestry Programs in Asia.
  7. This Handbook is a guide for village leaders and field extension officers working in local resource management. It enables agents to help rural communities define problems, prioritise project activities, and adoptvillage-based resource amanagement plans. Local teams and community leaders should...
  8. The purpose of this document is to tell the history of the Community Leadership Training (COLT) program in Indonesia from the viewpoint of the field and to share the experience with other World Vision fields.
  9. 1998-01-01 The authors address three basic questions about agricultural development in low- and middle-income countries: What are the strategic roles of agriculture in national development strategies? How can the agrarian transformation be accelerated? How can rural economic development be promoted to...
  10. Proceedings of the workshop Partnerships for Rural Development in Sub-Saharan Afric, held in Villars-sur-Ollon, Switzerland, September 11-15, 1998. Sponsored by the Centre for Applied Studies in International Negotiation, Sasakawa Africa Association, and the Global 2000 Program of the Carter...