This publication provides an understanding of concepts and issues of nutrition that can address environmental issues and concerns about profitability of Florida citrus in a highly competitive global market.
1940-01-19 Facsimile of 1940 Edition.An Agricultural Testamentis Sir Albert Howard's best-known publication and remains one of the seminal works in the history of organic farming movement. The work focuses on the nature and management of soil fertility, and notably explores composting. At a time when...
关键资源2009-01-01 Smart gardeners know that soil is anything but an inert substance. Healthy soil is teeming with life-not just earthworms and insects, but a staggering multitude of bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms. When we use chemical fertilizers, we injure the microbial life that sustains healthy...
This video is Session 2 part 1 of our ongoing training on "Introduction to Soil Science." This training gives a broad overview and introduction to some basic soil characteristics: phases (solid, liquid, gas), texture, density, structure, reaction (pH), plant-water relationships, organic matter,...
2012-04-10 Dirt, soil, call it what you want―it's everywhere we go. It is the root of our existence, supporting our feet, our farms, our cities. This fascinating yet disquieting book finds, however, that we are running out of dirt, and it's no laughing matter. An engaging natural and cultural history of...
This publication represents the best collective judgment on research priorities by a group of informed and dedicated people concerned with the future role of our soil and water resources in meeting human needs.
1963-01-01 This magazine contains ideas in soil management including using fertilizers, weed killers and insecticides on farms. 123 pages, ilustrations, pictures
1984-01-12 Major fieldwork for this Lee County, Florida soil survey was completed in 1981 withsoil names and descriptions approved at that time. 2 copies
This article is from ECHO Asia Note # 36. 介绍 土壤化学、物理学和生物学特征把土壤划分为高度适宜植物生长到高度不适宜植物生长。非常罕见能找到所有属性都高度适宜植物生长的原生土壤,尤其是在热带。但是,只要有充分的土壤厚度来提供一个足够深度和排水良好的根系区域,相应的改良和土壤属性管理能让几乎所有的土壤变得合适植物生长。甚至是自然状态下不肥沃的土壤和保水性特别低的土壤在合适的管理和投入之后都能有非常高的农作物产量。 土壤对植物生长的不利影响必须通过改良剂、物理处理(耕作)、改变土壤管理行为或这三种方式的组合来消除。例如,土壤板结只能通过翻耕土壤,...
This article is from ECHO Asia Note # 35. Michael Shafer 博士身为美国罗格斯大学政治学退休教授,其于 2008 年创立了暖心基金会。在于 2013 年 ECHO 会议上首次了解到生物炭之后,暖心团队开始为小型农场主设计并测试改进型生物炭制造设备,其具有成本低、技术要求低的优势。在 2017 年,暖心团队因开发村级生物炭社会企业模型而获得世界能源全球奖(泰国)。该团队刚刚推出了一家以“Rak Din”品牌销售农民生物炭产品的社会企业。 在这篇文章中,Shafer 博士分享了他在发展中国家世界中实际使用生物炭的经验。...