关键资源1988-01-01 Vegetables included here are not only those adapted to and grown in Florida, but also many that are not well-adapted. The potential for production of a particular vegetable is discussed briefly in many instances, particularly in reference to home use. In fact, the information is more relevant to...
关键资源1997-12-31 This wide-ranging, comprehensive treatise examines the many different aspects of vegetables from an international perspective. The diversity and depth of coverage of vegetables is largely due to the extensive background and experiences of the authors, Vincent Rubatzky and Mas Yamaguchi, as well...
关键资源1982-01-01 This out-of-print Peace Corps publication in Fiji was such a good concise guide to gardening in hot, humid climates that ECHO republished the book. It treats both vegetables that are well adapted to such climates and special techniques to grow some temperate vegetables that can be difficult but...