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  1. 关键资源
    2010-06-01 Seeds naturally have a place in almost any endeavor having to do with agricultural development. Seeds of most food plants are small and, as such, are more easily transported and can be shipped longer distances than vegetative cuttings. For the farmer, seeds represent the promise of a continued...  
  2. 关键资源 2016-03-22 Yearly production of grains, pulses, and vegetables depends on a reliable supply of quality seed. This is true for the farmer growing a crop to feed their family as well as for the agricultural worker evaluating and growing out seeds of a new crop species or variety that could improve lives. In...  
  3. 关键资源 2020-06-29 Seed storage in the tropics has been a frequent topic of ECHO publications and trainings due to its importance to the smallholder farmer. Access to quality seeds is imperative for agronomic and horticultural crop production. While on-farm seed saving benefits the smallholder farmer, cooperative...  
  4. 2023-07-13 This article summarizes ECHO research published in Experimental Agriculture by Trail et al. (2022).Many smallholder farmers in the tropics do not have electricity or access to equipment for climate-controlled seed storage. There are, however, low-cost technologies that can be used instead. The...  
  5. 关键资源 This article is from ECHO Asia Note # 31. 简介和背景 保存自己的种子是一种成本效益高的方法,以此可以获得作物种子供未来种植,并有助于维持地球上的植物生物多样性。 无论您是种植自己保存的种子,将它们送给朋友和邻居,还是通过您的组织分发,有效收获、清洁、准备、干燥和储存种子的能力对于帮助维持种子的萌发和存活力都很重要。本文将重点介绍将种子干燥到适当含水量的重要性,并将提供我们在”亚洲回音”影响中心种子库建造和使用的两种低成本种子干燥机的详情。  
  6. 2009-01-20 Jennifer Gerson, working in Liberia, wrote to us about seed storage.  
  7. Find links to specific seed saving instructions for 27 common vegetables. This online information comes from Basic Seed Saving, a 48 page paperback book written by Bill McDorman. It was created to provide enough practical information to allow gardeners to embark on the rewarding adventure of...  
  8. This toolkit has been developed to provide information on sustainable production of seeds and seedlings of agroforestry species. The prime objective of the toolkit is to provide information and examples of how the quality of seeds and seedlings can be maintained from collection to field planting...  
  9. 1997-07-19 Savingseed is a problem for farmers in hot, humid climates. It is even more of a problem for community, mission, or government seedbanks that must preserve seed for long time periods in remote locations without refrigeration. We believe the work of Dr. D. K. Pandey in India may be a breakthrough...  
  10. 2007-01-20 Seed saving is surprisingly easy with some vegetables, possible but somewhat difficult for others, and almost impossible for still other vegetable crops. It would help to know what the issues are; some basic techniques for seed saving; and which vegetables are easy and which are more difficult.