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  1. International Institute of Rural Reconstruction Sustainable Agriculture covers a wide range of topics: soil and water conservation, using organic matter to sustain soil fertility, pest management, cropping systems, livestock management, and many others. For agriculture to be sustainable, it must take into account not only the physical...
    630.96 IIR
  2. Judy M. Lins et al The Food, Land and People learning activities connect agriculture with many different curriculum content areas. Each lesson is multidisciplinary in focus.
    363.8 LIN
  3. International bank for reconstruction and development, the World Bank.
    630.72 WOR
  4. University of Florida, (School of Forest Research and Conservation, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences) This binder is a compilation of the professional publications and presentations by the Center for Subtropical Agroforestry during the past nearly 5 years. These materials reflect our increased understanding of the science of agroforestry and enhanced awareness about its potential as an...
    634.990 BAN
  5. Neil Rowe-Miller and Putso Nyathi What is extension? Traditionally extension has been an approach where information from researchers has been transferred to farmers through extension personnel. The information flow in that case was top down (from researchers to farmers). The assumption was that farmers lack knowledge and hence...
  6. Paul McNamara This book (a) investigates the experiences and issues involved with rebuilding extension systems (including public sector, private sector, and non-governmental organization extension) in post-conflict settings, (b) evaluates the impact of different extension policy approaches and practice in such...
    630.715 MCN
  7. edited by Michael M. Cernea, John K. Coulter, John F.A.Russell 171 pages A World Bank and UNDP Symposium
    630.72 CER
  8. 7 pages, illustrated, photos
    630.715 USD
  9. prepared by A.L. Nellum and Associates, Inc. 40 pages, plus appendices
    630.7 PEA
  10. Ian Wallace This manual grew out of both the teaching given at the seminar on extension and the ideas shared by the participants from their own experiences as workers in the field. 89 pages, illustrated
    630.717 WAL