Food Plant Solutions creates educational materials that explain what nutritional food is, why our bodies need it and how to grow and use it. Food Plant Solutions focuses on what are often neglected and underutilized plants, plants that are growing in and adapted to their environment, and are high in the most beneficial nutrients.  Our materials are designed to empower people, but particularly women, so that they can make informed choices on what plants to grow and eat that will nutritiously feed themselves and their families.  This project is cost effective, proven to work, sustainable and enables self-sufficiency.

We can end malnutrition – it’s as simple as growing the right plant in the right place.

Food Plant Solutions was featured in a segment on ABC

Food Plants International Plant Fact Sheets

144 Issues in this Publication (Showing issues 2400 - 2100) |

Good Gardening and Growing Root and Grain Crops in Cameroon - 2002-01-01

This book is designed as a simple introduction to good gardening and root crops in Cameroon. It is hoped people will take greater pride and interest in these plants and become confident and informed about how to grow and use them. Many of the local food plants that occur in every country are very good quality food. Unfortunately, people often reject traditional food plants and grow more of the introduced vegetables.  The principle behind Food Plant Solutions is to encourage the use of local plants.

If you download a publication, please contact Food Plant Solutions at – info@foodplantsolutions.org

Feedback on any publication is invited and much appreciated – info@foodplantsolutions.org

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Leafy Greens and Vegetables in Cameroon - 2022-01-01

This book is designed as a simple introduction to the more common leafy greens and vegetables of Cameroon. It is hoped people will take greater pride and interest in these plants and become confident and informed about how to grow and use them. Many of the local food plants that occur in every country are very good quality food. Unfortunately, people often reject traditional food plants and grow more of the introduced vegetables.  The principle behind Food Plant Solutions is to encourage the use of local plants.

If you download a publication, please contact Food Plant Solutions at – info@foodplantsolutions.org

Feedback on any publication is invited and much appreciated – info@foodplantsolutions.org

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Food Plants For Healthy Diets In Cameroon - 2021-02-01

This book is designed as a simple introduction to the more common food plants for healthy diets in Cameroon. It is hoped people will take greater pride and interest in these plants and become confident and informed about how to grow and use them. Many of the local food plants that occur in every country are very good quality food. Unfortunately, people often reject traditional food plants and grow more of the introduced vegetables.  The principle behind Food Plant Solutions is to encourage the use of local plants. The health, well-being and food security of a nation requires making the best use of all available food plant resources.


If you download a publication, please contact Food Plant Solutions at – info@foodplantsolutions.org

Feedback on any publication is invited and much appreciated – info@foodplantsolutions.org

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Fruit and Nuts of Cameroon - 2022-01-01

This book is designed as a simple introduction to the more common fruits, nuts, and seeds in Cameroon. It is hoped people will take greater pride and interest in these plants and become confident and informed about how to grow and use them. Many of the local food plants that occur in every country are very good quality food. Unfortunately, people often reject traditional food plants and grow more of the introduced vegetables.  The principle behind Food Plant Solutions is to encourage the use of local plants.

If you download a publication, please contact Food Plant Solutions at – info@foodplantsolutions.org

Feedback on any publication is invited and much appreciated – info@foodplantsolutions.org

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Potentially Important Food Plants of Ecuador - 2015-08-20

This book is designed as a simple introduction to the more common food plants of Ecuador. It is hoped people will take greater pride and interest in these plants and become confident and informed about how to grow and use them. Many of the local food plants that occur in every country are very good quality food. Unfortunately, people often reject traditional food plants and grow more of the introduced vegetables.  The principle behind Food Plant Solutions is to encourage the use of local plants.

If you download a publication, please contact Food Plant Solutions at – info@foodplantsolutions.org

Feedback on any publication is invited and much appreciated – info@foodplantsolutions.org

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Brief Guide for Togo - 2022-01-01

This book is designed as a simple introduction to the more common food plants for healthy diets in Togo. It is hoped people will take greater pride and interest in these plants and become confident and informed about how to grow and use them. Many of the local food plants that occur in every country are very good quality food. Unfortunately, people often reject traditional food plants and grow more of the introduced vegetables.  The principle behind Food Plant Solutions is to encourage the use of local plants. The health, well-being and food security of a nation requires making the best use of all available food plant resources.


If you download a publication, please contact Food Plant Solutions at – info@foodplantsolutions.org

Feedback on any publication is invited and much appreciated – info@foodplantsolutions.org

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Food Plants For Healthy Diets In Togo - 2022-01-01

This book is designed as a simple introduction to the more common food plants for healthy diets in Togo. It is hoped people will take greater pride and interest in these plants and become confident and informed about how to grow and use them. Many of the local food plants that occur in every country are very good quality food. Unfortunately, people often reject traditional food plants and grow more of the introduced vegetables.  The principle behind Food Plant Solutions is to encourage the use of local plants. The health, well-being and food security of a nation requires making the best use of all available food plant resources.


If you download a publication, please contact Food Plant Solutions at – info@foodplantsolutions.org

Feedback on any publication is invited and much appreciated – info@foodplantsolutions.org

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Good Gardening and Root Crops in Ethiopia - 2022-01-01

ይህ መፅሃፍ የተዘጋጀው በኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ ጥሩ የአትክልት እና የስር ሰብሎች ቀላል መግቢያ እንዲሆን ነው። ሰዎች በእነዚህ ተክሎች ላይ የበለጠ ኩራት እና ፍላጎት እንደሚኖራቸው እና በራስ መተማመን እና እንዴት እንደሚያድጉ እና እንደሚጠቀሙባቸው እንዲያውቁ ተስፋ ይደረጋል. በእያንዳንዱ ሀገር ውስጥ የሚከሰቱ ብዙ የሀገር ውስጥ የምግብ ተክሎች በጣም ጥሩ ጥራት ያላቸው ምግቦች ናቸው. እንደ አለመታደል ሆኖ ሰዎች ብዙውን ጊዜ ባህላዊ የምግብ እፅዋትን ውድቅ ያደርጋሉ እና ብዙ የታወቁ አትክልቶችን ያመርታሉ። ከምግብ ፕላንት መፍትሄዎች በስተጀርባ ያለው መርህ የአካባቢ ተክሎችን መጠቀምን ማበረታታት ነው.

ህትመቶችን ካወረዱ፣እባክዎ የምግብ ተክል መፍትሄዎችን በ - info@foodplantsolutions.org ያግኙ

በማንኛውም እትም ላይ ግብረመልስ ተጋብዟል እና በጣም እናመሰግናለን - info@foodplantsolutions.org

ወደ ህትመቶች ዝርዝር ተመለስ


በኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ የሚገኙ ለጤና ጠቃሚ የሆኑ የምግብ እጽዋት - 2020-07-20

መግቢያ ይህ መጽሐፍ የተዘጋጀው ጠቃሚ እንዲሁም በአነስተኛ መልኩ ጥቅም ላይ እየዋሉ ያሉ የኢትዮጵያ የምግብ እጽዋት ላይ ቀላል ማስተዋወቂያ ገለጻ ለማድረግ ነው፡፡ ሰዎች በነዚህ እጽዋት ላይ ከፍተኛ ኩራት እና ፍላጐት እንደሚያድርባቸው እንዲሁም እነርሱን እንዴት ማሳደግ እና መጠቀም እንዳለባቸው እርግጠኛ እና በመረጃ የተደገፉ እንደሚሆኑ ተስፋ ተደርጓል፡፡ በእያንዳንዱ ሀገር ላይ የሚገኙ አብዛኞቹ የሀገር ውስጥ የምግብ እጽዋት በጣም ጥሩ ጥራት ያላቸው ምግቦች ናቸው፡፡ ይሁን እና ሰዎች አብዛኛውን ጊዜ የተለምዶ የምግብ እጽዋትን አዲስ በሚመጡ ለየት ያሉ አማራጮች ምክንያት ውድቅ ያደርጓቸዋል፡፡ የምግብ እጽዋት መፍትሄዎች መርህ የነዚህን የሀገር ውስጥ እጽዋት አጠቃቀም ለማበረታታት ነው፡፡

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Fresh Food for Families Event Guidelines

Imagine - You are an immigrant to a country which, in contrast to all that you are familiar with, is in a different climate, with different soils, and different plants which will flourish in these conditions.  You are keen to be a good provider for your family and the idea of growing fresh fruit and vegetables is a part of that.  Where do you start?  Where do you get useful information?  How can you find out about the soils and the plants?

The Fresh Food for Families Event Guidelines publication witll walk you through the process of holding a successful workshop that addresses these issues.

If you download a publication, please contact Food Plant Solutions at – info@foodplantsolutions.org

Feedback on any publication is invited and much appreciated – info@foodplantsolutions.org

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