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The Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA) was a joint international institution of the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Group of States and the European Union (EU). CTA's mission was to advance food and nutritional security, increase prosperity and encourage sound natural resource management in ACP countries.

CTA sought to be the partner of choice for those working to empower agricultural and rural communities in Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific with the knowledge and skills they need to fight poverty and hunger.

CTA resources are now curated and maintained by CABI. CABI (Centre for Agriculture and Biosciences International) is an international not-for-profit organization that improves people’s lives worldwide by providing information and applying scientific expertise to solve problems in agriculture and the environment.

2021 - Although CTA as an institute will cease to exist, the Centre has made every effort to ensure that its rich portfolio of valuable intellectual assets remain global public goods and continue to be available publicly to those that can benefit from them. As part of the orderly closure process, the Centre’s management instituted a process to take stock of its intellectual legacy assets and plan for their responsible transfer, retention or disposal, in close consultation with EU and ACP stakeholders. This included a comprehensive plan for handling these assets, which was approved by the EU and CTA’s Executive Board.

Partnerships have been the cornerstone of CTA from its very beginning and were a central feature of discussions about the future of the Centre’s intellectual legacy assets. Following the official announcement of CTA’s closure, several key developmental partners across ACP expressed an interest in continuing some of CTA’s most interesting work. These included regional institutes such as the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA), Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA), OACPS Secretariat and the Centre for Coordination of Agricultural Research and Development for Southern Africa (CCARDESA); EU-based organisations such as Wageningen University & Research (WUR); global research and knowledge institutes like CGIAR, the Global Center on Adaptation (Rotterdam) and CABI; NGOs such as the Grameen Foundation and WaterWatch Foundation; and UN organisations such as the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the International Fund for Agricultural Development regional office for the Pacific.

  1. 20.01.2017 Aflatoxins are a silent threat to health on the African continent. They are a group of mycotoxins – poisonous chemicals produced by fungi on crops that they colonise. Fatal in large amounts, in smaller concentrations aflatoxins harm humans, animals, birds and fish. The fungi that produce...
  2. 01.01.2016 The main aim of this Agrodok is to provide information on how to increase beef production in extensive and low-input systems, utilizing existing conditions, but in a different way. This is a different form of intensifcation of production and requires a different look at the system, and probably a...
  3. 01.01.2012 Using easy-to-understand language and richly illustrated with drawings and case studies, this book demonstrates how smallholder farmers can earn more by taking control of value chains. Providing numerous insights, the text shows the need to invest in improving the quality of existing products,...
  4. CTA promotes the adoption and dissemination of sound practices in the domains of participatory spatial information management and communication otherwise known as PGIS. This site provides an updated account of completed and ongoing initiatives.
  5. Current CTA Spore magazine articles dealing with a wide variety of topics related to nutrition and health.
  6. The Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA) was a joint international institution of the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Group of States and the European Union (EU). CTA resources are now curated and maintained by CABI. Many of those resources are now available here....
  7. CTA Publishing offers more than 600 titles covering different topics in the area of agriculture and rural development. The visitor can search by category, title, author, ISBN number or free text. It is also possible to obtain information on the stock of a title. Some publications are...
  8. The Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA) is a joint international institution of the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Group of States and the European Union (EU). CTA's2016-2020 Strategic Planidentifies three strategic goals which contribute to greater food and...
  9. 20.01.2008 This Agrodok booklet helps smallholders increase profits from dairy farming. It offers advice on how a combination of better management and genetic improvement of the herd can contribute to increasing milk production. With extensive information on other main aspects of dairy farming such as...
  10. 01.01.2004 This Agrodok booklet describes two hatching systems and the possibility to hatch without a thermostat. 2 Copies
  11. 20.01.2012 Access to clean water remains a priority in Africa, with improving access key to fighting water-borne disease. To facilitate such access in rural and peri-urban areas, this technical manual describes how to make a submerged hand pump from materials available locally. It aims particularly at...
  12. 20.10.2018 Abstract/Description Like many smallholder farmers in Africa, the farming families of southern Ethiopia are facing three major challenges: the need to intensify and diversify their farm production, on very small areas, in a context of high population growth. In these rural areas, given the...
  13. 01.01.2008 Les maladies infectieuses zoonotiques qui peuvent être transmises des animaux aux humains - constitutent une mance importante pour la santé humaine. Cette brochure vise à sensibliser à ces maladies les personnes qui vivent et travaillent avec des animaux ou des produits d'origine animale, en...
  14. 01.01.1990 This report presents the information given at the CTA Seminar on Livestock feeding systems in the Caribbean and their use of non-conventional feed sources. 14-16 November 1990, St. John, Antigua
  15. 20.01.2012 This practical guide, part of the Pro-Agro Collection,describes both the cultivation as well as the agrifood processing of maize. It outlines the steps and processes to produce corn flour, and provides some useful recipes. Available as a French download.
  16. 20.01.2011 Smallholder pig rearing is becoming a resurgent interest area for both farmers and farmer advisers. With its helpful, practical and up-to-date advice on breeding, nutrition, housing and the management and economics of pig farming, this booklet provides you with all the information you need to...
  17. 19.01.1998 This Agrodok is a companion to Agrodok 16: Agroforestry. Trees and shrubs play important roles on the farm and in the environment. Unfortunately too many trees are lost because of overgrazing, excessive fuelwood collection and deforestation. Agroforestry supports the efforts of people in rural...
  18. 20.01.2014 This guide provides tips and guidance on the breeding of geese. Anatomy, physiology and rearing techniques are presented with emphasis placed on common diseases, food and force-feeding of geese. One section of the guide sets out a few basic ideas for the marketing of geese as well as some...
  19. 20.01.2009 This manual provides a training approach for teaching farmers how to increase potato yields by improving the quality of farm-saved seed potatoes. After background information on seed potato degeneration, common potato diseases, selection issues and training methodology, it is divided into eight...
  20. 20.01.2009 Intended as a reference for farmers trained in seed potato selection and to promote farmer-to-farmer technology transfer, this full-colour leaflet outlines the basic principles of seed potato selection and includes photographs depicting the major potato diseases. It accompanies the Picture Book...
  21. 20.01.2009 This training manual is designed to provide step-by step instructions to trainers in teaching potato farmers positive selection, that is, to ‘select the best’. Positive selection can be used to improve the quality of the seed potatoes saved from the farmers own crop. The manual contains two major...
  22. This booklet aims to provide ideas to farmers who would like to produce snails on a small scale for consumption or marketing. Limiting factors to be considered for effective snail farming are discused so that farmers do not start breeding snails without considering the advantages and constraints....
  23. 20.01.2008 This booklet provides all you need to know to farm snails on a small-scale for your own consumption or for marketing locally. Attention is focused here on three major species common in tropical areas, and considers the limiting factors and the advantages to snail breeding and production. Pages :...
  24. 01.01.1990 This booklet is intended to serve as a manual for small-scale poultry raising in the tropics.This manual can be of use to both beginning and experienced poultry raisers when confronted with problems which arise. The manual focuses on keeping laying chickens.
  25. 01.01.1995 Agrodok Series no. 31 74 pages, illustrated, tables With post-harvest losses still a major issue for small-scale farmers in the tropics, this revised and updated booklet shows why products deteriorate, and how this process can be delayed or controlled. In addition to a focus on staple foods, a...
  26. The Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA) is a joint international institution of the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Group of States and the European Union (EU). Our mission is to advance food and nutritional security, increase prosperity and encourage sound natural...
  27. Key Resource 20.01.2002 This Agrodok targets those who want to grow vegetables and other crops for their families or for the local market in urban and peri-urban areas. Factors that urban agriculturalists and gardeners need to take into consideration when selecting where to plant their crops and the best methods of...
  28. 20.01.2003 The water harvesting techniques described are particularly useful in arid and sem-arid areas, but the techniques described for soil moisture conservation are also of use in sub-humid regions.2 Copies of FIrst Edition, 1 Copy of 2nd Edition