Books in English can be downloaded directly from this website, using the links on the pictures below; most books are available in the other languages and MissionAssist is currently revising the titles which are not yet translated into the other languages and uploading them as they become available.
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These are Shell Book titles in English relating to agriculture and farming.
57 Issues in this Publication (Showing 41 - 50) Previous | Next
Growing Vegetables in Bags - 1/06/2020
- Also available in:
- Português (pt)
- English (en)
- Français (fr)
- Español (es)
This uses material taken from Footsteps - the literacy publication of TEAR Fund - with kind permission. This edition was published in the United Kingdom in 2019 by MissionAssist.
Good Granary Design - 1/06/2020
- Also available in:
- Español (es)
- Português (pt)
- Français (fr)
- English (en)
A suggested design for a raised grain or food store to discourage raids by rats and mice.
This uses material taken from Footsteps - the literacy publication of TEAR Fund - with kind permission. This edition was published in the United Kingdom in 2019 by MissionAssist.
Raising Goats - 1/06/2020
- Also available in:
- Español (es)
- Português (pt)
- Français (fr)
- English (en)
A goat is a good animal to keep because it gives very good milk and meat.
It uses material from "Goat Raising", originally produced by the Bureau of Agricultural Extention, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines, with kind permission. This edition was published in the United Kingdom in 2019 by MissionAssist.
Increase Chicken Production - 30/05/2020
- Also available in:
- English (en)
- Español (es)
- Français (fr)
This booklet helps you to increase the number of chickens you have.
This material was taken from Footsteps 59 - a literacy publication of TEAR Fund - with kind permission. This edition was published in the United Kingdom in 2019 by MissionAssist.
Cultivating Eru - 30/05/2020
- Also available in:
- English (en)
- Español (es)
- Português (pt)
- Français (fr)
This uses material from information published by Limbe Botanic Garden, Limbe, Cameroon, with kind permission. This edition was published in the United Kingdom in 2019 by MissionAssist.
How to Make and Use Compost - 30/05/2020
- Also available in:
- Español (es)
- Português (pt)
- Français (fr)
- English (en)
This has been adapted from a shell template produced by SIL in Papua New Guinea. The text is copyright ©1993 by SIL International with illustrations by Mbanji Bawe.
This edition was published in the United Kingdom in 2020 by MissionAssist.
Harvesting Fruit the Easy Way - 30/05/2020
- Also available in:
- Português (pt)
- Français (fr)
- English (en)
This uses material taken from Footsteps - the literacy publication of TEAR Fund - with kind permission. This edition was published in the United Kingdom in 2006 by MissionAssist.
Raising Fish - 30/05/2020
- Also available in:
- Español (es)
- Português (pt)
- English (en)
- Français (fr)
Adapted, with permission, from the "Handbook on Small-Scale Freshwater Fish Farming", number 24 of a training series of handbooks published by the Publications Division of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00153 Rome, Italy.
This edition was published in the United Kingdom in 2019 by MissionAssist.
Gardening in a Small Space - 27/05/2020
- Also available in:
- English (en)
- Français (fr)
- Português (pt)
This contains three simple ideas for planting some herbs or vegetables where space is limited.
This uses material taken from Footsteps - the literacy publication of TEAR Fund - with kind permission. This edition was published in the United Kingdom in 2019 by MissionAssist.
How to Treat Coccidiosis in Chickens - 27/05/2020
- Also available in:
- Español (es)
- Português (pt)
- Français (fr)
- English (en)
This uses material from Footsteps 54 - a literacy publication from TEAR Fund used with kind permission. This edition was published in the United Kingdom in 2019 by MissionAssist.