16/12/2021 It is estimated that drylands occupy 40% of the earth’s surface.Drylands are regions where the average annual precipitation is less than 65% of the average annual potential evapotranspiration (an Aridity Index of < 0.65). The FAO Aridity Index is defined as a 30 year average of annual...
1/01/1976 This review deals with three aspects, i.e., ecology, cultivation, and diseases and pests, of 23 crops which are grown in the West African Semi-Arid Tropics. These crops form six groups: cereals, legumes, roots and tubers, vegetables, fibres, and other crops. 154 pages, tables
22/11/1978 The main objectives of this workshop were to discuss the current status of agroclimatological research at ICRISAT and in the semi-arid tropics in Asia, Africa, South America, and Australia and to suggest and plan a future course of action for climatological research. Hyderabad, India, 22-24...
7/01/1989 This paper was submitted to Agroforestry Systems (Conference on Agroforestry, Principles and Practice, in Edinburgh 1989) Biomass production in arid zones may be increassed without irrigation by using runoff farming techniques. The salient feature of this technique is that large amounts of water...