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  1. Senna siamea is a fast-growing, medium sized, evergreen tree, growing up to 18 m in height. Although it is in the legume family it does not fix nitrogen. Senna is a very useful landscape and timber tree that also provides shade and fodder for ruminants.
  2. Monkey Thorn is very tall, deciduous, nitrogen-fixing tree, growing to 30 m in height. It is adapted to hot dry climates and has bottle-brush cream flowers. This tree is primarily used as a fast-growing timber species for shade and animal fodder.
  3. Black Locust is a fast-growing, deciduous, nitrogen-fixing tree, growing up to 25 m in height. It is suited for temperate areas and high altitudes in the tropics. It is useful as a windbreak, erosion control, and shade. Black Locust provides excellent forage for livestock and bees. The hard wood...
  4. Mesquite is a small, drought resistant, nitrogen-fixing tree, growing to 15 m. It is a good species for restoring degraded soils and establishing trees in overgrazed semiarid areas. The wood is hard, makes very good charcoal and is used for tools and furniture.
  5. The Monkey Bread tree is a fairly short, nitrogen-fixing tree, to 15 m in height. It is one of the main species used for Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration in West Africa and is a good for fuelwood, household utensils, farm implements and light construction. It is known as a “famine food”...
  6. Moringa is a very popular tropical fast growing tree up to 15 m in height. The young pods can be eaten and the leaves are an excellent source of calcium, vitamins, minerals and protein. The tree has a loose crown and can also be used for a hedge, living fence or windbreak. It coppices well to...
  7. Markhamia lutea is an upright, evergreen tree, growing to 15 m in height. It is valued for timber, shade, bee forage, fuelwood and landscaping use.
  8. Silk Oak is medium-sized to large tree up to 40 m tall, with dense branches projecting upwards. It is an excellent timber tree and has been used for shade in coffee plantations.
  9. Gliricidia is a fast-growingnitrogen-fixing tree that grows up to 15m in height. It is used for living fences, green manure, fodder, honey production, wind breaks, and fuelwood. This tree tolerates dry, acid, alkaline, and salty soils and was traditionally grown to shade cocoa trees.
  10. Apple ring acacias are tall, drought tolerant, deciduous, nitrogen-fixing trees up to 30 m in height. They are commonly used for inter-cropping with staple crops in dry areas as leaves help mulch and shade crops below. Faidherbia albida is an ideal multipurpose agroforestry tree that is widely...