5/03/2021 Protecting coasts, fostering fish and storing carbon.This book highlights the importance of mangrove forests in preventing coastal erosion, enhancing food supplies, and storing carbon. Written and illustrated for MissionAssist. This edition published in the United Kingdom in 2021 by...
1/03/1986 Of the more than 200 tropical food plants grown during the past five years at the Marie Selby Botanical Gardens' Tropical Food Demonstration Garden, relatively few possessed the combination of characteristics necessary to thrive in average home gardens here. Those species selected for this...
11/01/1991 This publication was written to help peopleselect and and use plants to stablilize and beautiful dunes. Some of the information contained includes - How coast dunes form, dune ecosystem, planning vegetation on coastal dunes, selecting dune plants, planting herbaceous plants andplanting grees and...