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  1. Abstract, Annals of Botany, 2014 Recruiting wild halophytes with economic potential was suggested several decades ago as a way to reduce the damage caused by salinization of soil and water. A range of cultivation systems for the utilization of halophytes have been developed, for the production of...
  2. Abstract, 2017, Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry Salt-induced land degradation has gradually increased in several major irrigation schemes within arid and semiarid regions. To maximize crop productivity under saline conditions, either salt tolerance crops should be cultivated or areas...
  3. 2/01/1998 The magic and mystery of companion planting have intrigued and fascinated humans for centuries, yet it is a part of the gardening world that has never been fully explored. First published in 1975, this classic companion planting guide has taught a generation of gardeners how to use plants'...
  4. 2/01/1998 Let Louise Riotte introduce you to hundreds of flowers and all their friends (and enemies too)! Companion planting is simply planning your garden to take advantage of the natural friendships between plants. In Roses Love Garlic you'll discover how flowers help or hinder nearby vegetables and...
  5. 1/01/1981 It is concluded that interplanting may influence insect populations. However, some insects may not be repelled by interplantings but may in fact be attracted to them. It must not be assumed that because a plant species smells aromatic to humans that it will be effective in pest control....
  6. Abstract, 2008, Soil & Water Research Soil and water salinization are affecting an increasing number of countries in the world, especially in arid and semi-arid regions, and cause sensible reductions of agricultural land extension and of crop yields. Consociation with halophytic plants is a...
  7. Abstract, In order to evaluate the effects ofSalsola sodaL. andPortulaca oleraceaL. used as companion plants on growth and yield of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) in salt stress conditions, a trial was conducted in soil-filled benches of a greenhouse in Central Italy. The plant...
  8. In recent years, salinity has become the most important issue in fields, gardens and greenhouses as well. This, of course, has forced us to control saline areas, and therefore, many control mechanisms that have been put forward. Many of them (genetics, biochemical and physical) have not brought...
  9. Certain plants can benefit others when planted in close proximity or used as botanical pesticides. This publication discusses the scientific and traditional basis for companion planting associations including trap cropping, weed suppression, physical-spatial interactions, and other relationships....
  10. Abstract, 2013, InTech Companion planting has received less attention from researchers than other diversification schemes (such as insectary plants and cover crops), but this strategy is widely utilized by organic growers [8, 9]. Generally, recommendations on effective companion-target pairings...