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  1. Key Resource 21/08/2009 Most water and sanitation facilities used by households or operated by small-scale enterprises were built without external support. This shows there are alternatives to the large centralized conventional systems. More importantly, small-scale solutions have proven to be cost effective....
  2. 19/01/1996 Chapin Watermatics produces “bucket kits” of gravity-run drip irrigation used in vegetable garden projects in developing countries. These kits enable people to produce vegetables with the same efficient use of water that commercial drip systems provide.
  3. 20/04/2012 In the past, we have written about different types of micro irrigation in EDN ; for example, we wrote about using clay pots for irrigation inEDN 97. This is a very good option, but unless pots are made locally, it can be expensive. Graham Knight of BioDesign in the UK has gathered information...
  4. 20/10/2007 A pot irrigation system was used to water newly planted mango grafts. Instead of direct watering, water was poured into four cylindrical clay pots installed around the plant.
  5. ডরিপ সেচবযবসথা এমনই এক পদধতি যাহা করমাগত আপনার চাষে জল দেয়ার বযবসথা করে. খরা কিংবা শুকনো মরসুমে এই পদধতি বিশেষ সহায়ক হয়. এই পদধতিকে উঁচু করা সারিবদধ কৃষি জমির সহিত কাজে লাগাতে হইবে.উঁচু করা সারিবদধ জমির উপর ডরিপ সেচবযবসথা পরয়োগ করার আগে আমাদের এই বাসতবিক ছবিটি দেখুন. এই পদধতি দবারা জলের পরতযেকটি...
  6. Chapin Living Waters exists to help people in developing countries grow vegetables when there is insufficient rain. We offer simple, sustainable technologies for subsistence farming, bringing hope to families and the opportunity to solve their own problems. Chapin Living Waters serves development...
  7. Creole Document on Drip Irrigation