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  1. Edible Portion: Fruit A small evergreen tree. It is almost thornless. It grows 1.8-4.5 m high. The branches droop. The leaves have broad, flat-wingedleaf stalks. Young leaves are mauve. The flowers have a purple tinge and have a scent. They occur throughout the year. Thefruit is medium sized,...
  2. Edible Portion: Fruit, Leaves - Tea, Seeds - Coffee A tree up to 12 m high which loses its leaves each year. The branches tend to hang over and they have a dense covering ofleaves. Leaves are long and pointed (10 x 6 cm). The leaves are dark green and shiny on top and lighter under. Young leaves...
  3. Edible Portion: Fruit, Seeds A tree. It grows up to 9 m tall and spreading about 5 m wide. The bark is mottled brown. It has glossy leaves. They are darkgreen above and pale green underneath. It is evergreen. The fruit are yellow and about 2.5 cm long. They contain 1 to 4 seeds.They have a rose...
  4. Edible Portion: Fruit, Leaves, Gum A slow growing evergreen shrub. It can grow to 5-10 m high and spread to 5 m wide. It has a twisted trunk. Most branchescome out at right angles to the stem. The leaves are tough and leathery. They are 10-15 cm long and with white veins. Theyare glossy and dark...
  5. Edible Portion: Fruit, Aril A medium sized evergreen tree. It grows up to 15 m tall but can be 35 m tall. It has a dense round crown. The trunk is smoothand grey with brittle trunk and branches. The trunk can be 1 m across. Leaves are shiny and light green. The leaves arereddish when young. They...
  6. Edible Portion: Fruit A medium sized evergreen tree. It grows 20-25 m tall. The leaves are glossy and oval. They are 10-20 cm long by 5-10 cmwide. The leaves are thick and have many parallel veins. Trees may have male and female flowers or they can be on separatetrees. The flowers are showy and...
  7. Edible Portion: Fruit A medium sized tree 8-17 m high. It can spread 6-10 m across. It has many branches. The leaves are alternate. They areoblong or sword shaped. They are 25 cm long by 10 cm across. The fruit are round or oval and green. The pulp is bright yellow.There are some named cultivated...
  8. Edible Portion:Fruit A small tree. It grows 3-4 m tall. The branches are angular and hairy. They are reddish. The leaves are papery and 4-10 cmlong. There are 8 pairs of secondary veins. The flowers occur singly. They are white and have a scent. The fruit are a mediumsize and yellow with soft...
  9. Edible Portion:Fruit A small shrub or tree. It grows 1-8 m high. The trunk is 2-10 cm across. It has an appearance like a strawberry guava tree. Theleaves are opposite and simple. They are 8-10 cm long by 4-6 cm wide. The flowering stalks have 1-3 flowers. The flower stalkis 1-1.5 cm long and...
  10. Edible Portion: Fruit An evergreen tree. Sometimes it loses its leaves for a short period. It can grow 30 m high. The trunk branches at the top. Theleaves are long and divided into leaflets along the stalk. There are 4-5 oval leaflets which taper to the tip. The flowers are smalland yellow-white....