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  1. 19/05/1987 Integrated nutrient supply Improved fallow Nitrogen transfer from legumes Cover crops on acid soils Sunnhemp Rock phosphate Micro-nutrient drain Soil conservation and shifting cultivators Cycles of poverty
  2. 1/01/1979 A summary of cooperative projects carried out by Centro de Pesquisa Agropecuaria dos Cerrados, Planaltina, Brazil is one in a series or publications designed to disseminate information concerned with international agricultural development. 40 pages, tables Cornell International...
  3. 1/01/1981 Without phosphorus in the environment, no living organisms could exist. Phosphorus is present in all plant and animal tissue. It is necessary for such life processes as photosynthesis, the synthesis and breakdown of carbohydrates, and the transfer of energy within the plant. Phosphorus is taken...
  4. 1/01/1971 It is the purpose of this booklet to suggest some ways of studying plants that may involve students more fully, especially in the design and development of elementary research suitable for school laboratories. Educational Products Division, LaMotte Chemical Products, Chestertown, MD 74 pages,...
  5. 1/01/2017 Includes cover crop facts on how to keep nutrients out of waterways.
  6. 19/01/1991 Phosphorus deficiency is a major constraint to legume production in tropical and subtropical regions, particularly in acid soils. Responses of chickpea and pigeonpea to phosphorus in South Asia on predominantly neutral to alkaline soils, however, have been less than expected even when standard...
  7. 19/01/1997 Information about making bonemeal fertilizer from animal bones.
  8. 19/01/1997 Commonly called 'silk oak,' 'silver oak,' or 'grevillea,' Grivillea robusta, native to Australia, has become widely utilized in agroforestry throughout Africa and other tropical regions, despite the fact that it is not a legume.
  9. 1/04/2009 Phosphorus in the hulls of plant seeds, especially legumes and grains, is bound up in an organic molecule called phytic acid. In addition to the bound phosphorus, phytic acid can interrupt the body’s ability to utilize minerals found in food. Unless the phytic acid molecule is broken down, either...
  10. 1/04/2009 Aflatoxin in the Diet Makes the Progression of HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis Much Worse How Can a Diet Rich in Phosphorus Lead to Phosphorus Deficiency and Other Deficiencies? Effect of Neem Leaf Extract on N-Fixing in Beans Artemisia in the News Again Baobab Gardens for "Leaf Production Indigenous...