1. A Creole document with Macro and Common Micro Minerals their functions and problems that occur with deficiency or excess. Vitamins - Fat and Water Soluble, functions and problems that occur with deficiency or excess
  2. Glossary of terms
  3. A creole document describing the 3 forms of Chlamydia in goats and zoonotic potential
  4. Creole Document :breeding rabbits is a very exciting job, and provides many economic advantage.
  5. Creaole Document -Nouvo Gid Kilti Legim - New Guide to Growing Vegetables
  6. Creole Document on Drip Irrigation
  7. Creole Document onImproving Poultry Production In Haiti
  8. Creole Document - Appropriate Technology for Farmers
  9. Creole Document - Raising Rabbits
  10. Creole Document - treating coffee leaf rust