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42 items found (Showing 1 - 10)
  1. Key Resource 01-01-2000 Briquettes made from materials that cost little or no money to obtain, such as old newspaper or unutilized plant waste, can be a cost-effective alternate fuel to charcoal or firewood. This could alleviate the harsh pressures put on many forests for providing enough fuel energy to meet people’s...  
  2. Key Resource 05-02-2016 Until recently, firewood was taken for granted in northern Thailand. With vast forests full of many types of trees, upland households could afford to be choosy concerning the wood they used for cooking. However, in recent years, more and more communities are facing restricted access to forest...  
  3. Key Resource 26-02-2014 Pastoralism is a livelihood whereby people depend upon herding domesticated livestock. In East Africa, pastoralists depend primarily upon cattle, sheep, donkeys, goats and camels— listed in order of least resilience as one moves into drier and more arid lowland areas. Pastoralists play an...  
  5. Key Resource 01-11-1987 This 505 page book is an exceptionally exhaustive source of information on tropical and subtropical fruits. It is a well-illustrated and very readable, practical guide for those interested in growing tropical and subtropical fruits either for the home garden or commercially. The fruits are...  
  6. 04-03-2021 How to turn woody waste into charcoal briquettes.Woody waste materials are all around us; you can transform these into charcoal briquettes — a great source of fuel for cooking. This uses material from "Footsteps 107", the literary publication of Tear Fund, with kind permission. This edition...  
  7. Akvofoundation Demonstration on how to make charcoal briquettes, by Amy Smith of D-Lab, MIT ( For more information, please contact The charcoal is made from agricultural waste materials using an oil drum. In this case maize stalks were used. The...  
  8. 01-01-1985 In many parts of the world, the primary source of energy for such vital activities as cooking and space heating is burning wood and other agricultural products. An increasing population using a dwindling resource of combustible biomass materials will eventually result in a shortage of those...  
  9. S. Suryaningsih a), O. Nurhilal, Y. Yuliah and E. Salsabila Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Padjadjaran, Jl. Raya Bandung-Sumedang KM 21, Jatinangor, West Java 45363, Indonesia Rice husk is the outermost part of the rice seed which is a hard layer...
  10. This article is from ECHO Asia Note # 37. One of the great challenges of sustainable agriculture is the sourcing of adequate and affordable organic (carbon based) resources that can be used on-farm for the production of food and feed. Utilizing composts, manures, mulches, and other organic inputs...