1. 01.01.1987 Ein hydraulischer Widder ist eine Pumpe, die die Macht fallenden Wassers benutzt,um einen kleinen Teil des Wassers zu einer Höhe zu zwingen größer alsdas source. Wasser kann horizontal ungefähr als weit als gezwungen werdenwünschte, aber größere Entfernungen erfordern größere Leitung, wegen...
  2. 20.10.2011
  3. Meribah Ram Pump, based in Thailand, offers appropriate technology products (ram pumps and bio sand water filters) and related expertise. A downloads page,on Meribah’s website offers plans and other information related to building and installing ram pumps and bio sand water filters.
  4. The BGET provides hands-on appropriate technology training and financial support to village innovators in ethnic minority areas on both sides of the Thai/Burma border. BGET’s Knowledge Base offers a wealth of technical downloads in English and Thai related to renewable energy technologies for...
  5. Hydraulic ram water pumps use downhill water pressure to pump water much higher than it started, with no other power needed. A 20ft fall is enough to push water 150 feet above the source or more. Or as little as a 2ft fall between the water source and the pump at a flow rate of 1 to 3 gallons per...