1. 19.07.1999 ECHO and others have published articles about the many uses, nutritional content and hardiness of this drought-resistant "vegetable tree." This report contains valuable technical information and adds an important human face by reporting results of an evaluation of the project and interviews with...
  2. 20.07.2011 An interesting feature about the mature [moringa] seeds is that if you eat them, they act much like the miracle fruit on your ECHO farm.
  3. 20.06.2000 A report on the work of Nikolaus and Gabriele Foidl with Moringa in Nicaragua.
  4. 20.10.2010 Tim Tanner shared some details about how he and his family have cooked and eaten moringa seed pods.
  5. 01.04.2010 https://www.echocommunity.org/resources/eb967d93-10ff-4c3d-a238-86ac0382bd68ECHO has considered how our resources can be most helpful in light of the recent devastating earthquake near Port Au Prince, Haiti. Our main strength is in the area of agricultural information relevant to development...
  6. 20.10.2010 Experiences promoting use of moringa in Tanzania
  7. Moringa is a very popular tropical fast growing tree up to 15 m in height. The young pods can be eaten and the leaves are an excellent source of calcium, vitamins, minerals and protein. The tree has a loose crown and can also be used for a hedge, living fence or windbreak. It coppices well to...
  8. 20.01.2003 Lately we have received a number of letters wanting to know about marketing moringa products. In particular, several farmer groups in Uganda have written to say that they are growing a considerable number of moringa trees and now are asking us where to sell the products.
  9. African Moringa is a fast growing tree up to 15 m in height. It grows at higher and drier locations than M. oleifera. In comparison to M. oleifera, M. stenopetala has larger leaves with a milder taste when eaten raw, provides more shade, has a stockier and more bushy growth habit, can be more...
  10. 20.10.2010 Drying seeds in preparation for storage and maintaining dry conditions in storage both help prevent the growth and harmful effects of mold on seed viability.