01.01.2012 Through funding from the Howard G. Buffett Foundation, ECHO has completed an initial year of research in South Africa (Limpopo Province). Our goal is to conduct research applicable to farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa. Part of our research has been to study a moringa/legume intercropping system, in...
01.01.2012 While most of our network members are familiar with “moringa,” the moringa family (Moringaceae) actually contains many species. We have promoted the ever-popular M. oleifera, conducting our own taste-test trials to offer our network a more favorably tasting tree; we also work with the more...
20.10.2004 Results of a taste test of PKM-1 in comparison with the local variety. It was decided to also include leaves of the species M. stenopetala in this test.
19.06.1992 Information about making a skin ointment from Moringa oleifera. Herbal applications are commonly used to treat skin infections in developing countries, although few investigations are conducted to validate scientifically their popular use. A previous study had showed that Moringa oleifera...
01.01.2014 https://www.echocommunity.org/resources/71356f86-d90a-4032-9775-681c581fa715What if you are working in a community when disaster strikes it? What steps toward recovery can you take in such a situation? And what actions can be taken beforehand to minimize the damage from a large-scale,...