1. Key Resource Edible Portion: Flowers A herb. It has a dense mat of rhizomes 3-5 mm across. There is a deep woody taproot. The stems can be erect or lie over.They are 5-35 cm long and 2-3 mm across. They can be hollow. The leaves have 4 leaflets. They are 4 cm long by 2 cm wide.The flowers are in the axils of...
  2. Forage Peanut is a prostate, nitrogen-fixing, perennial plant, used mostly as a cover crop for erosion, weed, and fire control. It is favored for these purposes in tree plantations, as it will tolerate some shade. It also makes for good cattle and poultry grazing if a 30-day rest period is...
  3. 20.11.2018 Grain sorghum(Sorghum bicolor)and pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum)are both globally important warm-season,annual cereal grain crops.Small-scale farmers who grow these grains can belimited by access to fertilizers and human labor. Agricultural low input systems use few commercial inputs,...