Los amarantos de hortaliza se cultivan en abundancia en las regiones calientes y húmedas de África, Asia, y el Caribe.  Amaranthus tricolor  se originó en la India, donde en la actualidad se produce una cantidad de variedades domésticas.  

Greenleaf R108

This edible leaf amaranth from Taiwan has green leaves. (A. tricolor)


This edible leaf amaranth has green leaves with red stripes. (A. tricolor)

Tigerleaf R135

This edible leaf amaranth has green leaves with red stripes. Tigerleaf was the best performing vegetable amaranth in an ECHO observation trial in Florida. (A. tricolor)

Jamaican Callaloo

 'Jamaican Callaloo' is a common dooryard variety of green leaf amaranth (A. viridis).

Chiang Mai Red

Red leaves.

Chiang Mai White

Green leaves with white stems.