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Some 3 billion people in the world live outside the cash economy in the world’s poorest nations. Food security and regular supply are their daily concerns. Chronic malnutrition is a leading cause of death and disease for them. Young children are amongst the most affected. One child every 5-10 seconds dies from undernutrition. Vitamin A deficiency causes night blindness for someone every minute. Most people in tropical and subtropical countries are iron deficient.

Our goal is to provide information that enables people to choose the right plant for their environment, to give them stable food production and a greater choice of plants to enrich their diets and improve their nutritional wellbeing.

The plant fact sheets listed in this collection are only a small portion of those available from FPI.   Please check your plant inquiries in the ECHO Search and reference the FPI plant database for further information.

Most of the plants selected to list here are further described in country-specific publications by Food Plant Solutions (FPS in the Search).


8000 Starchy Staples

7000 Legumes

6000 Leafy Greens

5000 Fruits

4000 Vegetables

3000 Nuts, Seeds, Herbs, and other foods


948 Contenido (Mostrando Ediciones - ) |

Passiflora edulis

Edible : Fruit, Seeds - oil, Leaves,

A vine which continues to grow for several years. The main vine becomes woody. Vines can be 6-7 m long. It climbs by tendrils. The leaves are shaped like the fingers on a hand with three lobes. They are 5-10 cm long. The vine can set flowers at each leaf. The flowers are white and often tinted purple. They are 5 cm across. The fruit are oblong and thickly dotted with purple when ripe. The skin is hard and they have a sweet smell. The flesh is orange. The seed occupy most of the inside with a small amount of flesh. The flesh is edible. The seeds are black. The flowers open in the morning. There are many named cultivated varieties.

A subtropical plant. They are cultivated up to 2000 m altitude in the tropics. The purple variety grows in the highlands up to 3000 m. It can stand very light frosts. The yellow one grows in the lowlands. Its normal range is 700 to 2300 m. Often fruit set is poor in wet conditions. Wind breaks are important. Vines can tolerate very light frosts. If frosts are likely wrapping the stems near ground level with insulation paper can help protect the plant. Heavy rain at flowering can reduce fruit set through poor pollination. Soils should be fertile, moist and well drained. Plants cannot tolerate water-logging. A pH in the range 5.5-6.5 is best. In Nepal they grow between 1200-1700 m altitude. It grows satisfactorily between 20-30°C. It suits hardiness zones 8-11. In Yunnan.

Common names : Purple passionfruit, Aul aanp, Bai xiang guo, Bechawan, Begele, Bejabe, Buah negeri, Buah susu, Butunda, Chumbao trung, Farendal, Gandum-pat, Garandel, Garendal, Giranadela, Granadiglia, Granadilho, Grenadille, Gwate, Ji dan guo, Jumhoorimeyvaa, Koko, Kudamonotokeiso, Latabel, Liliko'i, Linmangkon, Louki, Mabosoboso, Magalendendele, Mak nod, Manthei, Maracuja-roxo, Maracuya, Maraflora, Markisa, Markoesa, Masaflora, Masaplora, Maseche, Matunda, Mkakaa, Mograndela, Mufurangandela, Munchi, Obutunda, Pasionaria, Pin-hme, Purpurgrenadille, Pwompwompw en wai, Qaranidila, Sapthei, Sawarot, Sita phal, Soh-brap, Tang, Thatput, Tikeiso,


Passiflora diaden Vell.;
Passiflora pallidiflora Bert.;
Passiflora gratissima St. Hil.;
Passiflora rigidula Jacq.;
Passiflora edulis var. verrucifera (Lindl.) Mast.;

Passiflora quadrangularis

Edible : Fruit, Seeds, Vegetable, Root,

A long creeping vine with square stems. It has fleshy tuberous roots. The vine can be from 5-15 m long. The vine has four wings. The tendrils are pale green and coiled in a spiral. The tendrils are not branched and can be 30 cm long. The leaf stalk is 3 sided and 5-8 cm long. The leafy structures (stipules) at the base of the leaf are sword shaped and 2-5 cm long by 1-2.5 cm wide. The leaves are also large (10-25 cm long and 8-17 cm wide) and green or purple. The flowers occur singly in the axils of the leaves and can be 10-12 cm across. Flowers are white and purple and have red dots on them. The fruit is greenish yellow 12-30 cm long by 10-18 cm wide and with black seeds amongst purple flesh. The aril or layer around the seed is white and edible. The seeds are 1 cm long.

A tropical plant. It mainly occurs in the tropical lowlands but grows up to about 1000 m. It suits hot humid lowland areas in the tropics. Fruiting is often best between 200-500 m altitude. They can stand cool temperatures when mature. At 21-26°C seed germinate in 1-2 weeks but at lower temperatures seed can take 10 weeks. It suits hardiness zones 10-12. In XTBG Yunnan.

Common names : Granadilla, Akar mentimun, Aka-wadi, Badea, Bandee tsururu chuwa, Barbadine, Barbajina, Belewa, Chum bao dua, Corvejo, Drap, Dua gang tay, Erbis, Gendola, Giant granadilla, Granadilla de fresco, Granadilla grande, Granadilla real, Jujo, Karora chi, Kasaflora, Manesa, Maracuya real, Markiza, Markoesa, Marquesa, Masaflula, Mentimun, Misriphal, Na wa kinto, Panthao milao, Parcha, Percha granadina, Qaranidila, Sao warot, Sapthailempa, Sukhontharot, Taeng kalaa, Tasiri, Telur dewa, Thaloi, Timun belanda, Timun hatan, Tambo, Tumbo, Tutbun,

Synonyms : 

Passiflora macrocarpa Mast.;
Passiflora quadrangularis var. variegata;
Passiflora tetragona M. Roem;
and others

Paullinia cupana

Edible : Seeds

A creeping or climbing shrub. It can grow to 13 m high. it is often 1.8-3 m tall and spreads 3-6 m wide. Leaves contain 5 leaflets. They are irregularly compound. There are coiled tendrils which support the plant. The flowers are small and white with male and female flowers separate but on the same tree. The fruit are small and bright red. Fruit split open when ripe. The seeds are large and black and encased in a thin white pulp.

A tropical plant. It grows in the Amazon rainforest. It is along the Madeira and Tapajos rivers. It grows in regions with a rainfall of 2,200-2,500 m altitude. The temperatures average 28°-29°C. It must have a temperature above 12°C. It suits hardiness zones 11-12.

Common names : Guarana, Cupana, Fruits of youth, Yopo,

Synonyms :

Paullinia brasiliensis Lodd. ex Radlk.;
Paullinia sorbilis Mart.;

Pithecellobium keyense

Edible : Seeds

A tree.

It is a tropical and subtropical plant.

Common names : Keys blackbead, Blackbead

Synonyms :

Pithecellobium bahamense var. keyense (Britton) Morton ex Isely;
Pithecellobium guadelupense (Pers.) Chapman;
Zygia guadalupensis A. A. Heller;

Posoqueria latifolia

Edible : Fruit, Aril, Seed,

A small evergreen tree. It grows 7-20 m tall. The leaves are simple and dark green. They are opposite and have short stalks. They are oblong and 20 cm long. They are leathery. The flowers are white and showy. They occur in dense heads. The flowers have a slender tube and open out at the end. The tubes can be 17 cm long. The flowers are fragrant. The fruit is a berry. It is 5 cm across and round and yellow. It is edible.

A tropical plant. They grow in tropical America. It grows up to 100 m above sea level. It is native from Mexico to South America. It grows in humid forest and on volcanic soils. It does well in seasonally moist and dry climates. It can grow in an average, well-drained soil. It can grow in full or part sun. It suits hardiness zones 10-12.

Common names : Needle-flower tree, Perfume-tree, Panama posoqueria, Aymara, Azuceno, Baga-de-macaco, Boesi-agoesjiton, Borojocito, Brazilian oak, Cachaco, Churumbelo, Dagoeston, Fruta de mono, Fruto-de-macaco, Guayabo, Jasmine tree, Kamadan, Lirio, Monkey apple, Palo de peine, Picarito, Pipa-oedoe, Pohon melati, Posoqueri, Querica, Tuliviejo, Uragu,


Posoqueria coriacea;
Posoqueria decora DC.;
Posoqueria trinitatis A.P. de Candolle;
Solena latifolia Rudge;
Stannea metensis H. Karst.;
Tocoyena longifolia Kunth;

Pouteria caimito

Edible : Fruit, Kernel, Nuts,

A medium sized tree. It grows 10-15 m high but can be 40 m high. The trunk is 30 cm across. The tree branches at about 1 m high. The leaves are simple and alternate. The flowers occur singly or in small groups. They are usually on leafless twigs. The fruit is medium to large and is oval with a smooth skin. It is yellow and sweet. It is usually 5-10 cm across. It has a sweet translucent pulp. Unripe fruit contain a gummy latex. There are several named cultivated varieties. There are 1-4 seeds. These are brown and shiny.

A tropical plant. It suits the hot, wet tropical lowlands. It needs a warm climate and year round moisture. It is a tropical plant, but will grow in subtropical places. It enjoys wet soil. It grows naturally in the Amazon and Andes. It grows to 1200 m in the Andes. It cannot tolerate frost. It suits hardiness zones 10-11.

Common names : Abiu, Caimito, Aakuna, Abiero, Aguaycillo, Asepokoballi, Aviyu, Caimitillo, Caimito, Caimo, Cauje, Caymito, Coloradillo de la bajura, Ingi-oedoe, Luma, Pasu, Pepeboiti, Putumayu aviyu, Sijica, Tarpu aviyu, Temare, Yaas, Yellow star apple,

Synonyms :

Achras caimito Ruiz & Pav.;
Achras guapeba Casar;
Guapeba laurifolia Gomes;
Guapeba caimito (R.& P.) Pierre;
Labatia caimito (R.&.P.) C.Martius;
Labatia reticulata Mart.;
Labatia lasiocarpa Mart.;
Lucuma caimito (Ruiz & Pav.) Roem. & Schult.;
Lucuma laurifolia (Gomes) DC.;
Lucuma laurifolia var. reticulata (Mart.) DC.;
Lucuma lasiocarpa (Mart.) DC;
Lucuma ternata Kunth.;
Pouteria laurifolia (Gomes) Radlk.;
Pouteria lasiocarpa (Mart.) Radlk.;
Pouteria leucophaea Baehni;
Pouteria caimito var. laurifolia (Gomes) Baehni;
Pouteria temare (Kunth.) Aubr.;
Richardella temare (Kunth.) Pierre;


Pouteria viridis

Edible : Fruit, Kernel, Nuts, Seeds,

A large tree. It grows up to 18 m tall. Young branches have dense brown hairs. The leaves are clustered at the tips of flowering branches and alternate on non fruiting branches. They are broadly sword shaped and pointed. They are 10-25 cm long by 5-7 cm wide. The leaves are hairy underneath. The flowers contain both sexes The flowers are 1.3 cm long and on leafless branches in the axils of the leaf scars. The fruit are large and smooth with a green skin. They are 12 cm across. The skin is thin and the flesh is red and juicy. The seeds are small.

It is a tropical plant. It grows in the tropical highlands. It grows on clay soils. It occurs between 1000 and 2300 m altitude in Guatemala. It tolerates 4-5° of frost. It grows in the highlands of Central America.

Common names : Green sapote, Chokcho, Chong, Chulul, Injerto, Injerto verde, Raxtul, Red faisan, Sapota-verde,White faisan, Zapote injerto,

Synonyms :

Acradelpha viridis (Pittier) O. F. Cook;
Calocarpum viride Pittier;
Lucuma viridis F.;

Psidium firmum

Edible : Fruit

A shrub. It loses its leaves during the year. It grows 2 m tall. The leaves are simple and leathery. The leaf stalks are short. The leaves are 6-8 cm long. The flowers are in groups in the axils of leaves. The fruit are oval, green berries 3-4 cm across. They contain many seeds. The pulp has a sweet acid flavour.

A tropical plant. It grows naturally in savannas and barren lands in central Brazil.

Common names : Araca-do-cerrado, Araca, 

Quararibea funebris

Edible : Flowers, Spice, Fruits, Leaves,

An evergreen tree. It grows 15-25 m tall. The trunk can be 25 cm across. It is smooth and slightly fluted. The branches are arranged in rings and come out horizontally from the trunk. The upper half droops. The leaves are alternate, simple and entire. The leaf stalk is 7-27 mm long. The leaf blade is oval and 8-40 cm long by 3-13 cm wide. The flowers can occur singly or as a few together. The flower stalk is 1-1.5 cm long. The flowers are tubular or funnel shaped. There are 5 petals that are spoon shaped. They are 1.5-4 cm long and white. The fruit is fleshy with one stone inside. It is 2-3 cm long by 1.5 cm wide. There are 1-2 seeds.

It is native to Mexico. It grows in moist, wet primary forest. It needs fertile, well-drained soils. It can grow in full sun or light shade. It grows up to 1600 m altitude. It suits hardiness zones 10-12.

Common names : Rosita de Cacao, Arbol canelo, Cacaoxichitl, Canela, Flor de cacao, Madre de cacao, Molinillo, Palanco, Palo de chocolate, Pataste, Saha, Sapote tape, Swizzle stick tree,

Synonyms :

Lexarza funebris La Llave;
Myrodia funebris (La Llave) Bentham;
Myrodia guatemalteca Donn.Sm.;
Quararibea fieldii Millsp.;


Quercus virginiana

Edible : Seeds, Nuts

A tree which keeps its leaves through the year. They loose some leaves in colder regions. It grows to 12-15 m tall. It spread out widely. The branches are large and spread widely almost reaching the ground. The leaves are narrow and oval. They are 5-13 cm long. The edge is smooth. They are dark green and shiny above and whitish underneath. The acorns are narrowly oval and 2.5 cm long. They are enclosed for almost half their length in reddish-brown cups. The nuts are sweet and edible.

It is a temperate plant. It can grow on most soils. It can tolerate frost. It can resist salt spray. It suits hardiness zones 7-11.

Common names : Live Oak, 

Synonyms :

Quercus virens;