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This is meant to be a listing of major online libraries or access points for materials that are not indexed by ECHOcommunity.  These should be reviewed for sources you cannot find on EC.  If there are major sources that we should index on EC, please make them known to us.

  1. Recurso clave ECHO Partner El sitio web de Access Agriculture ofrece videos de capacitación en apoyo a la agricultura sostenible de los países en desarrollo. Si este tema es de su interés, esperamos que encuentre videos útiles para usted y sus socios. Contamos con catorce categorías de videos, dentro de las...
  2. The Alliance of Crop, Soil, and Environmental Science Societies (ACSESS) is an association of prominent international scientific societies headquartered in Madison, Wisconsin, USA. ACSESS was created by and is composed of the American Society of Agronomy (ASA, founded in 1907), the Crop Science...
  3. The Agroecology Learning alliance in South East Asia (ALiSEA) is supported and coordinated at national and regional level by GRET ( ALiSEA’s goal is to enable local and regional agroecology stakeholders to leverage one another’s expertise to produce evidence based studies and share...
  4. Appropediais the site for collaborative solutions insustainability,povertyreduction andinternational developmentthrough the use of soundprinciplesandappropriate technologyand the sharing of wisdom andprojectinformation. It is awiki, a type of website which allows anyone to add, remove, or edit...
  5. TheBiodiversity Heritage Library(BHL) is the world’s largest open access digital library for biodiversity literature and archives. BHL is revolutionizing global research by providing free, worldwide access to knowledge about life on Earth. To document Earth’s species and understand the...
  6. In June 2014, Bioversity International celebrated its 40th anniversary. The organization’s focus has changed over time. Early work focused on the emergency conservation of crop genetic resources in genebanks. Today we deliver scientific evidence, management practices and policy options to use and...
  7. This is a repository of agricultural research outputs and results produced by different parts of CGIAR and partners. It indexes reports, articles, press releases, presentations, videos, policy briefs and more. Visit the community of your choice; search across the whole site; sign up for email...
  8. IDIN's Resource Library includes many types of presentations and reports, but also Curriculum. Please select the document type useful to you.
  9. AgReach strengthens extension services for all, and in doing so provides customized, innovative solutions that are both human and scalable.We accomplish this by developingand sharing resources accessibleworldwide. INGENAES resources include : GLOSSARIES Gender (2015) Nutrition (2015) Extension...
  10. The Millennium Seed Bank has published a number of more detailed technical guides to various aspects of our work. Technical Information Sheets A collection of technical information sheets produced by Millennium Seed Bank staff, covering various aspects of seed conservation practices and...
  11. OECD iLibraryis the online library of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) featuring its books, papers, podcasts and statistics and is the knowledge base of OECD's analysis and data
  12. The Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Resource Management (SANREM) Knowledgebase is a collection of information resources (books, reports, journal articles, videos, movies, presentations) produced or identified, classified, and summarized by SANREM researchers. This collection provides direct...
  13. TEEAL, or The Essential Electronic Agricultural Library, is a full-text and searchable database of articles from more than 450 high-quality research journals in agriculture and the related sciences. For many years, TEEAL has been improving access at institutions with limited Internet time and/or...
  14. The Scientific Electronic Library Online - SciELO is an electronic library covering a selected collection of Costa Rican scientific journals. In Costa Rica the Scielo begins in 2000 with the coordination of BIREME - PAHO and with the support of the Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social through the...
  15. In order to effectively incorporate human needs into forest restoration and conservation, it is important to pursue efforts to protect and enhance the livelihoods and well-being of people involved in or impacted by local land management. Yet, this process is not always straightforward. These...
  16. TheDevelopment Experience Clearinghouse(DEC) is theU.S. Agency for International Development(USAID) online repository for materials documenting its nearly half century offering internationalhumanitarian aidand economic, agricultural, trade, health, and democratic support. Established in 1975, the...
  17. Special Collections houses a wealth of materials relating to all aspects of agricultural history, discovery, and advancement. The combination of over 15,000 rare books, 400 manuscript collections, original art work, posters, photographs, and nursery and seed trade catalogs makes Special...
  18. AGRICOLA(AGRICulturalOnLineAccess), a database produced by the National Agricultural Library (NAL), consists of two subsets of records. The first contains citations for journal articles that include abstracts. The second consists of bibliographic records describing monographs, serials,...
  19. AGRISproporciona una gran oportunidad para aumentar el análisis del desempeño agrícola y, por consiguiente, ayuda a informar las inversiones agrícolas, la innovación y las políticas que impulsan cambios hacia una mayor sostenibilidad en el sector agrícola. AGRIS da acceso gratuito a más de14...
  20. TheDevelopment Experience Clearinghouse (DEC)is the largest online resource for USAID funded technical and project materials for international development, with assets dating back to 1945. You are able to access information on over 190,000 USAID technical and program documents with more than...

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