1. Growing maize is hard work and pests make it even harder. Insect pests can attack your maize crop and destroy it, affecting your family's nutrition, or costing you money. This animation will take you through the steps of protecting your field from pests like the stem borers by using a push-pull...
  2. The Legume pod borer, Maruca vitrata, causes significant damage to cowpeas in West Africa. Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) is considered the most important food grain legume in the dry savannas of tropical Africa, where it is grown on more than 12.8 million hectares of land. The pod borer is a serious...
  3. En este video mostramos una técnica para elaborar un insecticida natural con los frutos del árbol del paraíso también conocido como Neem. Este árbol crece en regiones subtropicales de la India, África y de las Americas.The voiceover was done by a volunteer at no cost to any granting program....
  4. El compost o abono natural se utiliza para mejorar la calidad de la tierra. Para crear abono natural utilizaremos materia vegetal estiércol y restos de comida. El abono aporta materia orgánica y nutrientes a la tierra. Esta animación explica el proceso de fabricación y almacenaje del abono.
  5. El riego por goteo es una técnica que permite regar de forma consistente toda la cosecha. Esta técnica es especialmente útil durante la sequía o en la estación seca. Esta técnica se debe utilizar combinada con la de Lechos de cultivo elevados. Es importante ver primera esta otra animación antes...
  6. Cultivar en lechos elevados es la mejor opción para proteger los cultivos e incrementar el rendimiento de la cosecha. Esta técnica agrícola reduce la compactación del terreno e incrementa la calidad de la tierra. Protege las plantas en situaciones de exceso de lluvia. Esta animación describe cómo...
  7. Teff is an important cereal crop in Ethiopia. Traditional planting approaches require high inputs and result in low yields, including postharvest loss due to the high levels of seeds used in planting. This video describes a row transplanting technique that reduces input costs and increases yield....
  8. Teff is an important cereal crop in Ethiopia. Traditional planting approaches require high inputs and result in low yields, including postharvest loss due to the high levels of seeds used in planting. This video describes a row planting technique that reduces input costs and increases yield....
  9. Common beans are an important source of food and income for farmers and families. By improving your bean planting and cultivation practices you can have more beans to eat and sell. This animation shows you steps you can take to improve your bean production. Scientific Animations Without Borders...
  10. Common beans are an important source of food and income for farmers and families. By improving your bean planting and cultivation practices you can have more beans to eat and sell. This animation shows you steps you can take to improve your bean production. This is a variant version focusing on...
  11. Common beans are an important source of food and income for farmers and families. By improving your bean planting and cultivation practices you can have more beans to eat and sell. This animation shows you steps you can take to improve your bean production. This is a variant version focusing on...
  12. Shea is an important product for women in the shea belt, which ranges from Senegal in West Africa to Ethiopia in East Africa. However, if the raw shea nuts are not properly processed then the resultant stored nuts and derived products are of poorer quality. The following animation demonstrates...
  13. Groundnut is a resilient and nutritious crop that can provide you good yield if you follow a few simple actions. This animation explains the best practices for growing groundnut. Follow these recommendations for a good start to the groundnut growing season. Scientific Animations Without Borders...
  14. En este video mostramos una técnica para elaborar un insecticida natural con los frutos del árbol del paraíso también conocido como Neem. Este árbol crece en regiones subtropicales de la India, África y de las Américas. Este insecticida ha sido probado en distintos cultivos como por ejemplo el...
  15. The desert locust is a type of grasshopper that lives in the deserts of Africa, the Middle East and South West Asia. These locusts can form giant swarms that are able to eat the same amount of food in one day as 35,000 people. This is why the desert locust is the most dangerous migratory pest....
  16. The Fall Armyworm is an insect that can damage your maize plants or even cause you to lose your whole maize crop. The best way to protect your maize crop is to scout early and treat early. In this animation, we will explain how to scout for the fall armyworm, so you can take action to protect...
  17. The Fall Armyworm is an insect that can damage your maize plants or even cause you to lose your whole maize crop. The best way to protect your maize crop is to scout early and treat early. In this animation, we will explain how to scout for the fall armyworm, so you can take action to protect...
  18. Cultivar en lechos elevados es la mejor opción para proteger los cultivos e incrementar el rendimiento de la cosecha. Esta técnica agrícola reduce la compactación del terreno e incrementa la calidad de la tierra. Protege las plantas en situaciones de exceso de lluvia. Esta animación describe cómo...
  19. An agricultural value chain is a system of people that work in various stages in crop production. The value chain contains every person that works to get the crops from the farm where they were planted, to the consumer that will end up eating them. This animation explains the importance of each...
  20. This animation explains a method to test if your grain has a low enough moisture level for you to store it. This technique utilizes salt to help determine the moisture level in your grain. Scientific Animations Without Borders (SAWBO) is a university based program. SAWBO transforms extension...
  21. El compost o abono natural se utiliza para mejorar la calidad de la tierra. Para crear abono natural utilizaremos materia vegetal, estiércol y restos de comida. El abono aporta materia orgánica y nutrientes a la tierra. Esta animación explica el proceso de fabricación y almacenaje del abono.
  22. El compost o abono natural se utiliza para mejorar la calidad de la tierra. Para crear abono natural utilizaremos materia vegetal estiércol y restos de comida. El abono aporta materia orgánica y nutrientes a la tierra. Esta animación explica el proceso de fabricación y almacenaje del abono.
  23. El compost o abono natural se utiliza para mejorar la calidad de la tierra. Para crear abono natural utilizaremos materia vegetal, estiércol y restos de comida. El abono aporta materia orgánica y nutrientes a la tierra. Esta animación explica el proceso de fabricación y almacenaje del abono.
  24. This animation presents four steps to ensure better harvests in arid and semi-arid climates. Through timely and deep plowing, micro dosing manure and practicing response fertilization, farmers in these regions can see increases to their crop yields while managing input costs. Scientific...
  25. Common beans are an important source of food and income for farmers and families. By improving your bean planting and cultivation practices you can have more beans to eat and sell. This animation shows you steps you can take to improve your bean production. This is a variant version focusing on...
  26. Common beans are an important source of food and income for farmers and families. By improving your bean planting and cultivation practices you can have more beans to eat and sell. This animation shows you steps you can take to improve your bean production. This is a variant version focusing on...

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