ECHO sigue motivada por las necesidades agrícolas y comunitarias, esforzándose por poner sus recursos técnicos a disposición de las organizaciones nacionales e internacionales. A través del Programa de Asistencia para Jardines Comunitarios, una expansión de nuestra organización en el suroeste de Florida, ECHO ofrece recursos tales como capacitaciones básicas y consultas para proyectos de huertos locales.

Una perspectiva única que ECHO aporta al movimiento nacional de huertos comunitarios es una perspectiva de agricultura moldeada por nuestro trabajo, con los pequeños agricultores en muchas de las regiones más pobres del mundo. Nuestro objetivo es ofrecer una oportunidad para compartir y comunicar ideas prácticas y asequibles en todo el mundo. A menudo, esto toma la forma de recomendaciones de bajo costo y bajos insumos, que generalmente incluyen el uso de plantas tropicales perennes nutritivas y variedades de plantas subtropicales como parte de un sistema agrícola sostenible.

  1. Recurso clave The purpose of this resource is to suggest several key considerations for beginning a small garden project. This information is meant to be a guideline to better assist you in the organization and implementation of particular elements crucial to making a garden project successful. While each...
  2. 1/12/2013 Brad Ward has many years of experience in agricultural finance as a loan officer and underwriter, and has reviewed and advised on hundreds of business and farm plans. Currently he works on the North Coast of Honduras as the farm manager for Cornerstone Farm/Hospital Loma de Luz. He also works...
  3. 17/7/2020 ¿Ha visto la sección Conversations (Conversaciones) Unaconversación en mayo se centró en el tema de huertos de emergencia, especialmente en vista de las cuarentenas/confinamientos por la COVID-19. Un miembro de la red ECHO que trabaja en Guatemala pidió ideas para cultivar...
  4. 19/6/1983 I first read of this method of gardening in Organic Gardening magazine where it was referred to as permanent mulch gardening. My reaction was that there must be something wrong with anything so easy or everyone would be using it. But our garden has performed so exceptionally well with so little...
  5. 1/1/2012 En Estados Unidos, como en muchos otros países, los huertos escolares y comunitarios se están volviendo populares. Tales huertos tienen potencial para mucho más que simplemente contribuir a la seguridad alimentaria. Los participantes aprenden sobre nutrición y cultivo de alimentos y se conectan...
  6. Creating and maintaining community and school gardens has been identified as an effective strategy to increase healthy food awareness and consumption. Fresh fruit and vegetables have unfortunately been linked to over 450 outbreaks of foodborne illness in the U.S. since 1990. In commercial food...
  7. This group page exists so that individuals involved in Community Gardens around the world can connect. We encourage you to share the challenges you face in your Community Garden endeavors, discuss lessons and techniques learned through your experiences, and share your story!
  8. According to a 2011 study of the prevalence of food insecurity among migrant farmworkersin Georgia, 62.8% did not have enough food. The same study found that the level of food insecurity in this population of migrant and seasonal farmworkers was more than 4 times greater than the general U.S....
  9. 20/1/2017 This paper is shared as acase study of a greenhouse project in a cold climate. It contains information on the benefits of greenhouses in a temperate setting. Technical details provide practical considerations ingreenhouseconstruction, some of which would also apply to tropical settings. We noted,...
  10. 20/5/2010 Food Always in the Home as modifed by Larry Yarger, ECHO, 2010 under the auspices of the Asian Rural Life Development Foundation, International Most rural areas of the world subsist on growing food, with food security top-of-mind for most agrarian communities.Believe it or not, there are still...
  11. Green Education Foundation (GEF) is a national non-profit organization committed to creating a sustainable future through education. GEF aims to identify key factors and impediments influencing sustainability education, evaluate existing approaches, and develop effective educational materials and...
  12. 19/5/2015 Un enfoque de aprendizaje participativo, aplicado en cada etapa de un proyecto de desarrollo comunitario, es crucial para llegar al nivel de participación necesaria de interesados para lograr cambios duraderos y positivos. El uso de métodos participativos de encuestas y planificación en el...
  13. Presented at the ECHO International Agriculture Conference 2015 Mark’s presentation will demonstrate how the Haiti-based FONDAMA Yard Garden program helps people make small, daily changes that are consistent, persistent, and positive without being intrusive. We will look at examples of how the...
  14. 20/11/2018 Most hunger and malnutrition around the world is not usually caused by a lack of food, although that may be changing. From the point of view of the hungry family, the cause is usually a lack of income sufficient to purchase the food. Anyone with enough income will be able to obtain food, except...
  15. Abstract,Journal of Development Effectiveness, 2018 The Realigning Agriculture for Improved Nutrition (RAIN) project was designed to address child undernutrition through a multisectoral approach which integrated agricultural diversification to improve access to nutritious foods, the promotion of...
  16. Session:The session will first provide an overview of WorldVeg’s efforts in using traditional African vegetables in the region, based on its collection in Arusha, Tanzania, the largest in Africa. The overview will single out amaranth as well as traditional vegetables useful in drylands. Second,...
  17. 26/7/2018 Community food forests are rapidly emerging across the United States as part of local movements promoting food literacy and community building. Fueled by the popularity of permaculture and agro-ecology, these food forests are capturing the imagination of people in neighborhoods, towns, and cities...
  18. Abstract,Biological Agriculture and Horticulture, 2012 The attainment of the Millennium Development Goals is at severe risk owing to rising malnutrition and high child stunting and mortality rates, greater poverty, a large increase in the incidence of non-communicable diseases and lack of...
  19. In the past five to ten years, there has been increasing research of the healing, social, and therapeutic benefits that plants impart to human life. With all of the resultant new information, people have become confused by the many facets of people-plant interactions, including the meaning of...
  20. 1/1/2005 A community gardener’s delight! This book offers a selection of the best stories and articles about community gardening from the American Community Gardening Association's magazines, 1982 to 2004. Honoring ACGA's 25th anniversary, it features practical, time-tested information on how to make your...