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Biofortification is the process of breeding crops for increased nutritional content or increased nutrient density. In economic crisis, poor people tend to cut down on purchases of expensive non-staples, such as meat, fruit and vegetables (Bouis 2011). This makes staples like wheat, rice, maize, beans, and cassava good targets of biofortification programs, because we know the poorest and most malnourished will be eating these foods even in hard times.

  1. 12/4/2017 El Dr. Brian Hilton investigó y promovió los cultivos biofortificados durante más de 20 años. Brian trabajó como parte de un equipo que hacía pruebas con las primeras variedades de batata anaranjada en Mozambique en 2002. Posee 25 años de experiencia de trabajo con agricultores en Indonesia, Chad...
  2. 26/11/2019
  3. 28/10/2014 Importance de la culture du haricot au Burundi: Au Burundi, le haricot est l’une des plus importantes cultures vivrières. Il est cultivée dans toutes les régions naturelles du pays. Aliment de base: le haricot est l’aliment le plus rencontré dans les plats familiaux des Burundais (omniprésent à...
  4. 20/10/2014
  5. Over two billion people around the world suffer from "hidden hunger"or micronutrient deficiencies. They do not get enough micronutrients from the foods they eat to lead healthy, productive lives. Micronutrients are vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A, zinc, and iron. Although they are only...
  6. Conventional plant breeding and modern technology can increase the density of micronutrients in staple crops grown and consumed by smallholder farmers around the world. This means that tens of millions of people today, many having suffered from the effects of "hidden hunger," are eating more...
  7. Thewebinar focused on the dynamics of business activity in biofortified seed, crop, and food value chains, in a discussion with those on the front lines. Drawing on their experiences and lessons learned, weexplored challenges and opportunities for businesses to enter and grow biofortified product...

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