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  1. 24/7/2019 Durante los últimos 35 años, Regeneración Natural Manejado por los Productorers (Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) ha restaurado bosques en millones de hectáreas de tierra en al menos 24 países. FMNR también ha obtenido resultados sorprendentes. Por ejemplo, la introducción de FMNR en el...
  2. Abu, M. , Olympio, N. and Darko, J. (2021) Determination of Harvest Maturity for Mango (Mangifera indicaL.) Fruit by Non-Destructive Criteria.Agricultural Sciences,12, 1103-1118. doi:10.4236/as.2021.1210071. Haden, Kent, Palmer, and Keitt mango varieties were studied to establish the relationship...
  3. Ghana has a population of about 30 million people. There are slightly over 1,200 edible plant species currently growing in Ghana. But life gets more difficult in the drier Sahel zone to the north of the country. There are possibly 4-5 million people who live in this more arid zone. Tree are...
  4. 19/1/1988 Farm management is the study and application of the principles of economics, management, and agriculture to farm production within a particular environment. A farm management text written for an African audience, therefore, includes management and economic principles and applications from the...
  5. Atuna, R.A., Djah, J., Achaglinkame, al.Types of indigenous vegetables consumed, preparation, preferences and perceived benefits in Ghana.J. Ethn. Food9, 38 (2022). Indigenous vegetables (IVs) are rich sources of essential nutrients, particularly...
  6. iDE is a global team of 1,200 changemakers coming from diverse backgrounds within international development and the private sector. What we all have in common is the belief that one entrepreneur can change their community and millions can change the world. Our work stands out in the international...
  7. Kew botanists have studied African plants for two centuries, and are now co-operating with Practical Action Publishing to produce this book which will be a constant source of interest and reference internationally. The book, while of great interest to specialists, is aimed at the average reader....
  8. Abstract, Peanut Science, 2018 An indirect, passive, wooden dryer, with a galvanized steel panel (4.5 m2 ) and four wire mesh shelves (2.62 m2 each), was constructed in Kumasi, Ghana. The dryer was evaluated for its capacity in drying of freshly-harvested in-shell peanuts on a single layer (8.5...
  9. 26/3/2015 The horticulture sub-sector is a very important segment of Agriculture. It plays a vital role in income generation, foreign exchange earnings, employment and food security The horticulture sub-sector has the potential for the needed diversification of the exports base, modernization of...
  10. La tuberculosis es una enfermedad infecciosa comuna y contagiosa causada por una bacteria que normalmente se encuentra en los pulmones. En estos 4 minutos y 31 segundos, ofrecemos información general sobre esta enfermedad y lanzamos un mensaje muy importante: la tuberculosis se puede tratar y...
  11. Lavarse las manos es la mejor manera de prevenir la propagación de gérmenes i enfermedades. Unas manos sucias pueden contener gérmenes patógenos que pueden hacer enfermar a una persona o contagiar a otras. Los microorganismos como las bacterias, virus, parásitos, hongos y diversas sustancias...
  12. La siguiente animación explica el proceso de desarrollar el sistema de filtración de carbón vegetal utilizando arena. Es un proceso simple que ayuda a eliminar algunos de los contaminantes, no todos, que hay en el agua. Si estos no son eliminados, pueden causar problemas de salud.
  13. Abstract, ICRISAT, 2020 In the quest to promote bamboo agroforestry in the dry semi-deciduous forest zone of Ghana, we evaluated changes in soil properties, crop productivity and the economic potential of a bamboobased intercropping system. The intercropping system was established from 3-months...
  14. Abstract,Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 2020 The study examines the effects of adoption of sustainable land management practices on farm households’ technical efficiency (TE) and environmental efficiency, using household-level data from Ghana. We employ selectivity...
  15. En este video mostramos una técnica para elaborar un insecticida natural con los frutos del árbol del paraíso también conocido como Neem. Este árbol crece en regiones subtropicales de la India, África y de las Americas.The voiceover was done by a volunteer at no cost to any granting program....
  16. La manteca de karité es una grasa color marfil o amarillenta que se extrae de las nueces del árbol karité (Vitellaria paradoxa), que se encuentra en el África Occidental. La manteca o mantequilla de karité se usa en cosméticos, incluida la crema hidratante, así como en alimentos como el...
  17. Cassava is a staple food for over 800 million people in approximately 80 countries, mostly in sub-Saharan Africa, but also in Asia, the Pacific and South America. Cassava contains cyanogens, which protect against pests and predators by producing cyanide. So-called bitter varieties produce more...
  18. La fiebre amarilla es una enfermedad causada por un virus que se transmite a las personas a través de la picadura de la hembra del mosquito Aedes aegypti y otras especies de mosquitos. Los síntomas de esta enfermedad son los siguientes: escalofríos, fiebre, dolores musculares, dolor de cabeza,...
  19. Abstract,Trends & Prospects in Post Harvest Management of Horticultural Crops, 2018 The field of agriculture in Ghana struggles to provide the required ratios of food supply to the Ghanaian citizens due to the high rise in post-harvest losses at the farm, wholesale and retail levels. Despite...
  20. Abstract, Foods, 2019 Malnutrition has been a serious issue in Ghana and Africa as a whole. However, the potential of many indigenous fruits to combat it has not yet been tested. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the nutritional characteristics of four underutilized wild fruits (Gardenia...
  21. AVN deploys an innovatory model of development based on the principle that it is better to “ ...teach a man how to fish rather than give him fish”, applied to the entire structure of the housing market and the construction sector. If it is better to teach people how to build a house rather than...

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