1. The first part of this volume reviews the current shrimp farming industry in China, Thailand, Indonesia, Taiwan and Ecuador. In the stock quality section of this volume, high health shrimp systems, potential for genetic improvement of farmed stocks, and probiotic manipulation of hatchery...
  2. 1/1/1987 In recent years a new addition to food production has appeared in many parts of the world. Attention is turning towards fish farming, 'aquaculture' as a food source.
  3. 9/1/2007 A guide to what is known of the uses, cultivation and worldwide availability of edible and other commercially important aquatic plants other than seaweeds, which already have an extensive literature of their own. It is suitable for backyard growers; botanists; as well as students of horticulture,...
  4. Access Agriculture Training Video You can make a cage from bamboo to contain the crabs. Soft crabs must be separated so they do not fight and damage each other. Give each crab half of a tiny fish per day. If the crab has not eaten its food, it is sick and must be removed. In 10 to 15 days, the...
  5. Written with exceptional clarity by a scientist and pioneer in the field, it thoroughly researches and describes every conceivable aspect of aquaculture, from underlying scientific concepts to step-by-step instructions for each type, size, and phase of culture. Numberous species are discussed in...
  6. Recurso clave
    1/7/2010 La piscicultura puede generar mucho interés y emoción. Tiene potencial de producir proteínas de alta calidad en periodos relativamente cortos y áreas pequeñas. La piscicultura es una manera para agricultores con escasos recursos en todo el mundo de proveer proteínas que son demasiado caras para...
  7. This booklet was prepared as an aid for people working in areas where there are limited resources for information and assistance. CVM's main purpose is to provide some common basic practices for fish farmers to use, in order to establish a good, sound and economically viable aquaculture. 2 Copies...
  8. This book is packed with information. Several features of the book make the information more useable for the student and the instructor. These features include the chapter objectives, key terms, tables, charts, graphs, illustrations, pictures, teaching aids, exercises, a glossary and an appendix....
  9. 1/1/1987 199 pages, plus appendices, tables
  10. Notebook of resources, illustrated 2 copies