1. 20/10/2009 Information about reports of success in Haiti with a technique developed in Israel for growing “organically certified” tilapia by adding (1) submerged bamboo poles or palm fronds and (2) a submerged “compost pile” to fertilize the pond. Microscopic organisms collectively called “periphyton” grow...
  2. 20/12/2010
  3. La piscicultura puede generar un gran interés y entusiasmo. Tiene un gran potencial para producir proteínas de alta calidad en períodos de tiempo relativamente cortos y en áreas pequeñas. La piscicultura es una forma en que los agricultores de escasos recursos de todo el mundo pueden proporcionar...
  4. Morningstar Fishermen is an international aquaponics research and training facility located in the beautiful rolling hills of Dade City, Florida,only 25 minutes north east of Tampa.Our main hatchery and training facility has over 65,000 gallons of tank space, wet labs and classrooms. We also have...
  5. The mission of Caribbean Harvest is to use modern aquacultural technology tocreate a domestic fishing industry for Haitiand gain nutritional benefits for all Haitians. Production from our fish farms will serve both the domestic and export markets. Caribbean Harvest is a Haitian Charitable...
  6. This plenary presentation will discuss how developing countries (especially Haiti) can be competitive in aquaculture production and protect their environment. Even though world food fish aquaculture rose to over 70 million tons in 2015, developing countries contributed less than 8% in volume and...
  7. 16/11/2017 This plenary presentation will discuss how developing countries (especially Haiti) can be competitive in aquaculture production and protect their environment. Even though world food fish aquaculture rose to over 70 million tons in 2015, developing countries contributed less than 8% in volume and...
  8. Access Agriculture Training Video Azolla fixes nitrogen from the air and stores this in its leaves. Azolla is richer in protein, vitamins and minerals than grains and most green fodder. Because of this and because azolla grows fast and easily in a small area, it makes an ideal addition to feed. ...
  9. Access Agriculture Training Video What is plankton, and why does it matter to stimulate plankton growth? Experienced farmers in Bangladesh explain how they manage water quality in ponds, and why supplementary feeding is crucial to boost fish production. Available languages Bangla Chichewa /...
  10. AccessAgriculture Training Video Los alevines son extremadamente delicados. Primero tienen que ser transportados, conservados y alimentados si quiere tener una buena cosecha. Caso contrario, usted puede perder todo el dinero que haya invertido. Con un estanque vivero usted puede fácilmente...