1. 20/4/2011 Eric Broberg, heading to Latin America with the Peace Corps, wrote to us: “I found the article on ‘Multiplication and Use of Soil Microorganisms’ in the January 2011 EDN (Issue 110) to be interesting yet glaringly absent was any mention of compost tea.
  2. 20/7/2007 This article takes a fresh look at what is going on in the soil, especially in relation to soil organic matter and the organisms it supports; how this life in the soil is impacted by our land care practices; and how it in turn impacts the productivity of our farms.
  3. 20/7/2009 Worms can be a lucrative and,beneficial addition to a small-scale farming operation. Several times in recent issues of EDN we have mentioned the value of compost. Here we report on the rapid production of compost using worms. Worm-produced compost, also called vermicompost, can be used in gardens...
  4. El compost o abono natural se utiliza para mejorar la calidad de la tierra. Para crear abono natural utilizaremos materia vegetal estiércol y restos de comida. El abono aporta materia orgánica y nutrientes a la tierra. Esta animación explica el proceso de fabricación y almacenaje del abono.
  5. 1/1/2021 Información provista por el miembro de la red de ECHO, Daryl Edwards, sobre su trabajo en Zimbabue, sugirió que el uso de compost de calidad con un 10% de estiércol de vaca resulta en una cosecha de maíz similar a la obtenida con un 100% de estiércol de vaca. Esto podría ser importante para los...
  6. 1/8/2017 The decline or even loss of soil fertility is the major challenge faced by more and more farmers around the world in general and especially those in sub-Saharan Africa. Many causes, mainly anthropogenic, are at the origin of this situation. Despite the massive use of chemical fertilizers through...
  7. University of Maine Cooperative Extension educator Marjorie Peronto discusses the benefits and best methods of worm composting. Excellent information on using worms to make good stuff for your garden.
  8. ABSTRACT - Journal of Compost Science and Utilization, 2017 The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of application of different organic fertilizers (general organic fertilizer, GOF; biogas residue, BR; refined organic fertilizer, ROF) as compared to no fertilizer on the composition of...
  9. Access Agriculture Training Video Small scale farmers can struggle to keep their soil healthy, and often resort to buying fertilisers to improve their yield, but with a bit of extra work to make compost, yield can be increased naturally and the soil improved year by year. To turn your rice straw...
  10. Compost is well known to be a good organic fertilizer and soil conditioner. It is a product derived from the decomposition of organic matter or agricultural wastes. In normal circumstances, it takes about four to five months to get compost from the composting process. However, a new technique of...