1/11/2016 Cover crops play a key role in sustainable agriculture by providing sustainable sources of nutrients as well as protective soil cover to minimize erosion and reduce moisture stresses. Examples of successful cover cropping systems in East Africa will be illustrated as well as constraints and...
19/10/1994 The use of cover crops in orchards and plantations. Since the early 1900s legumes have been used as cover crops in oil palm plantations in Asia. More recently it is being evaluated for other trees: soursop (Annona muricata) in Costa Rica, citrus in Honduras and Surinam, bananas in Panama, etc....
20/4/2014 EDN 122 resaltó las variedades multipropósito del caupí con enredaderas extendidas que cubren el suelo. A continuación presentamos una actualización de investigación de ECHO proveniente de Sudáfrica relatando nuestras experiencias a la fecha con una variedad de caupí en cultivo intercalado con...
8/2/2017 Cover crops play a key role in sustainable agriculture by providing sustainable sources of nutrients as well as protective soil cover to minimize erosion and reduce moisture stresses. Examples of successful cover cropping systems in East Africa will be illustrated as well as constraints and...
7/2/2017 Pigeon pea is an important green manure/cover crop with multiple agronomic and market impacts for small farmers, and fits ideally in a conservation agriculture system. Kilimo Markets integrates value chains through enhancing production, inputs supply chains especially seed for which it is...
7/2/2017 Pigeon pea is an important green manure/cover crop with multiple agronomic and market impacts for small farmers, and fits ideally in a conservation agriculture system. Presenter : Said Silim has recently retired from a distinguished career in international development from ICRISAT, and helped to...
19/11/1997 Principles for increasing organic matter in order to increase soil fertility. Little by little, work in a dozen countries has convinced us that the vast majority of soils can be made highly fertile. How? By using our first principle:maximize organic matter production.
20/10/2014 Nathanael Szobody envió lo siguiente en respuesta a una actualización en EDN 123 sobre investigación que ECHO está haciendo en Sudáfrica. Pensamos que estos comentarios fueron particularmente interesantes y detallados, pues ilustran la contribución que los productores pueden hacer para...