Emphasis is on the development and understanding of the relationship between the plant and its subterranean environment and the effect of modification of that environment on plant response.
This publication includes chapters on loss of soil organic matter and its restoration, crop rotation, strip cropping and the use of cover and green-manure crops.
This report summarizes the results of field experiments made in Perto Rico, Brazil, Peru, and Ghana to measure crop response to liming of acidUltisols and Oxisols. The specific objectives of these experiments were to determine crop response to rate and depth of liming, to evaluate residual...
1/1/1979 The objective of this paper is to describe some of the soil-water-crop problems that were encountered by researchers in Puerto Rico on Oxisols and Ultisols and in Brazil on Oxisols and to suggest some important1/1/1979 management practices and consequences for highly weathered soils in other...