20/10/2013 El Dr. Dick Tinsley es Profesor Emérito de la Universidad Estatal de Colorado (Colorado State University) con décadas de experiencia como asesor de proyectos de desarrollo agrícola para pequeños propietarios. Dick ha trabajado en numerosos sitios en Asia y África y es el autor del libro “...
20/1/2009 Learning from successes in agricultural development is now more urgent than ever. Progress in feeding the world’s billions has slowed, while the challenge of meeting future food needs remains enormous and is subject to new uncertainties in the global food and agricultural systems. In the late...
1/1/1979 Roots of Hope, written by a wide variety of Southern Baptist pastors, leaders, academics and laypeople is designed to help Christians learn to listen to our hunger world.The book is intended to be used as the focus of a weekly miss-a-meal discipline in which time saved is used to pray and...
Every fifteen minutes a jumbo jet filled with children crashes, leaving no survivors. The jet is actually hunger, but the haunting image is real--33,000 children dead each day. What is even more haunting is that the deaths are unnecessary because the world has long had the technology and...