1. 17/7/2017 Los insectos y otras plagas pueden ser una grave limitación para la producción de alimentos, especialmente donde los recursos para el manejo de plagas son escasos. Por ejemplo, en EDN 133, respondimos una pregunta sobre el minador de la hoja del tomate (Tuta absoluta) en Nigeria. Las...
  2. Journal of Integrated Pest Managementis an open access, peer-reviewed, extension journal covering the field of integrated pest management. The Editors-in-Chief are Dr. Marlin E. Rice (formerly with Iowa State University) and Dr. Kevin L. Steffey (formerly with the University of Illinois). The...
  3. Abstract - International Journal of Zoology, 2016 Integrated pest management (IPM) is an environmentally friendly technology. IPM is a multifaceted approach to pest management that seeks to minimize negative impacts on the environment. This technique is an important step towards providing...
  4. Recurso clave OISAT is an information management concept on non-chemical pest management in the tropics comprising two components: OISATInfo is a web-based information tool offering trainers, extension workers and farmers a quick access to up-to-date information for their work and for organizing agricultural...
  5. Access Agriculture Training Video This video looks at various modern methods of integrated biological control in the fight against the pests of palm trees. It features the use of intercropping, light traps and environmentally-friendly organic pesticides. Available languages Arabic English French...
  6. Access Agriculture Training Video Weaver ants help to protect your fruit and nuts from fruit flies and many other pests. If you don’t have weaver ants in your orchard yet, collect all the nests from an ant colony and transfer them to one of your fruit trees. Help the ants to spread to more trees...
  7. 6/2/2018 Speaker Bio: Patrick is originally from Louisiana, but spent most of his growing-up years overseas. He lived in Rwanda, Mauritius, and Botswana before returning to the U.S. to begin university. After completing his undergraduate degree, he returned to Virginia Tech to complete a Master’s degree...
  8. 20/1/2018 This FAW IPM Guide is designed for use by professionals in plant protection organizations, extension agencies, research institutions, and Governments, whose primary focus is smallholder farmers and the seed systems that support them. The FAW IPM Guide is meant to provide an important foundation...
  9. AccessAgriculture Video Ningún producto cura el rizado de las hojas del tomate. La enfermedad es diseminada por la mosca blanca. La enfermedad se maneja con la prevención. Una casa de malla puede proteger su almácigo. Un borde de cereales alrededor de las hortalizas ayuda a bloquear a la mosca...
  10. 27/4/2018 El gusano cogollero del maíz (Spodoptera frugiperda) es una plaga común en el hemisferio occidental que afecta muchos cultivos comerciales, principalmente al maíz. Este lepidóptero voraz (grupo de insectos que incluye mariposas y polillas) se detectó por primera vez en África Central y Occidental...