1/1/1996 The overall objective of this book, as well as the project supported by the International Development Research Centre which led to the drafting of these papers, is to draw attention to the subject of "grassroots indicators": measures or signals of environmental quality or change formulated by...
1/1/1995 This is a publication of the Information Centre for Low-External-lnput and Sustainable Agriculture (lLElA).Much of the material presented in the 1988 bibliography, however, is no longer available, or has been replaced bypublications that present a new view on the situation. Although the emphasis...
1/1/1990 North and South are becoming more aware of how they are inseparately linked and of an increasing stifling physical and social environment marked by the greenhouse effect, an unstable climate, extreme overpopulation, the worldwide AIDS epidemic, debt, drugs, and war. The IDRC has been forging...