1. AccessAgriculture Training Video Ya que está en juego la salud de nosotros y de nuestros animales, aprendamos de agricultores experimentados en Tanzania cómo secar y almacenar bien nuestro maíz. Idiomas disponibles: Bambara Chichewa / Nyanja Dholuo Dioula Español Francés Hausa Inglés Kikuyu...
  2. AccessAgriculture Training Video En la sabana costera de África Occidental, los agricultores explican cómo un cultivo de cobertura de mucuna les ayuda a revivir su suelo altamente degradado, y suprime las malezas nocivas estriga e Imperata. Muestran cómo producirlo para beneficiar a su maíz y...
  3. The Fall Armyworm is an insect that can damage your maize plants or even cause you to lose your whole maize crop. The best way to protect your maize crop is to scout early and treat early. In this animation, we will explain how to scout for the fall armyworm, so you can take action to protect...
  4. The Fall Armyworm is an insect that can damage your maize plants or even cause you to lose your whole maize crop. The best way to protect your maize crop is to scout early and treat early. In this animation, we will explain how to scout for the fall armyworm, so you can take action to protect...
  5. Growing maize is hard work and pests make it even harder. Insect pests can attack your maize crop and destroy it, affecting your family's nutrition, or costing you money. This animation will take you through the steps of protecting your field from pests like the stem borers by using a push-pull...
  6. 1/1/1989 Maize (Zea mays; corn) is the third most important food crop in the world, surpassed onlyby two other grains, wheat and rice. Maize is a widely adapted crop, capable of production during the appropriateseason in almost all parts of the world where farming is done. Maize is represented by...
  7. Abstract, PLoS One, 2017 Sustainability of maize-based cropping systems is a major challenge for southern Africa, yet the demand for maize as staple food and animal feed in the region continues to increase. A study was conducted on a sandy clay loam (220 g clay kg-1soil) at Domboshawa in Zimbabwe...
  8. Aflatoxins are the source of both poor health and poor livelihood outcomes. In order to support smallholder farmers in developing countries, it is important to equip them with the knowledge, practices, and access to technology that will allow for proper and effective aflatoxin management. 6...
  9. 1/1/2004 This article reports on the effects of ground powders of two tropical plants, Lantana camara L. and Tephrosia vogelii Hook. It looked atthe level of insect damage and the grain quality parameters of stored maize were evaluated for five months. Various page numbers, illustrated