1. This publication includes directions on planting, caring for, and using Moringa oleifera. 30 pages, drawings, sketches, captions from various pamphlets
  2. Abstract,ISHS Acta Horticulturae 1253, 2019 T.N. Motis, S.M. Reader Keywords: biomass, fertility, input, organic, inorganic, nutrients, tree Moringa (Moringa oleifera) produces edible, nutrient-rich leaves useful for the alleviation of malnutrition. A trial was conducted in southwest Florida...
  3. The Miracle Treewas written by Dr. Monica Marcu, Pharm.D., and Ph.D. as a result of her study of medicinal plants and her definitive research of one of our greatest trees, the Moringa oleifera. This book defines the hundreds of substances such as vitamins, enzymes, amino acids, fats, minerals,...
  4. Abstract, SEMIRATE, 2018 Samosir Island is the location of coffee plantations especially in Pangururan subdistrict. Currently coffee farmers in Samosir are trying to utilize a protective plant for coffee tree that is Kelor. This study investigated how far the integration of Kelor with coffee...
  5. 1/1/2011 The four studies comprising this thesis characterised Moringa Oleifera as a fodder for dairy cows under dry tropical conditions in Nicaragua. In conclusion, to maintain high biomas yields of Moringa over time, the best planting density-ferfilizer combination was D, and N, MLM can successfully...
  6. The Moringa tree, known also as the Horseradish Tree, is native to northwestern India. Moringa is widely grown, however, in other parts of the old- and new-world tropics, including tropical Asia, many regions of Africa, Indonesia, and South and Central America. Moringa has a variety of uses. Its...
  7. 1/3/1999 Moringa Oleifera is known as the miracle tree due to its natural nutritional value and water clearing qualities. This book is an informational guide to all that moringa can do. 4 copies 67 pages, illustrated
  8. El árbol de marango es originario del nor-oeste de la India. El marango se cultiva en muchas partes tropicales del nuevo y antigüo continente, incluyendo Asia, muchas regiones de Africa, Indonesia, América del Sur y América Central. Usos – Este árbol tiene una gran variedad de usos. Sus hojas,...
  9. 20/7/2007 A challenge in growing M. oleifera for its leaves is its tendency to quickly produce a tall tree with few branches.
  10. 1/1/2020 A pesar del enorme interés en el uso de la Moringa oleifera como fuente de nutrientes, siguen existiendo lagunas e incoherencias en la información sobre el contenido de nutrientes de esta interesante planta. Existen varias razones para ello. El contenido de nutrientes de la materia vegetativa...