1. Motis, T.N. and H.D.Sobetski. 2024. Criteria for selectingMoringa oleiferacultivars for seed bank grow-out. Acta Hortic. 1394, 31-36. DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2024.1394.4 Keywords: branching, canopy, height-to-width, PKM-1, PKM-2, STX-2, cultivar Abstract: Maintaining varietal purity is an...
  2. 1/4/2024 Surgen preguntas sobre cómo procesar mejor las hojas a fin de obtener un polvo de moringa de calidad. Este artículo amplía una publicación anterior de ECHO (Doerr y Cameron, 2005), al resumir factores antes y durante el secado que influyen sobre la calidad del polvo de moringa. También aborda...
  3. 2/10/2023 En el proyecto Beer Shebaen Senegal, se cultiva Moringa oleifera tanto para la producción de hojas como de semillas. Las personas responsables del manejo de las parcelas de moringa han probado diferentes opciones de espaciamiento a lo largo del tiempo y les gustaría compartir sus opiniones sobre...
  4. 1/4/1997 The use of the crushed seeds of Moringa as a coagulant in water purification has been the focus of several studies in Malawi but there is little documentation of the distribution, management and usage of the tree's products by the local population. This study documents such information in order...
  5. 18/10/2011 Moringa may provide the boost in energy, nutrition and health you've been seeking. It's a remarkable tree whose leaves, pods and flowers have seven times the Vitamin C found in oranges, four times the Vitamin A of carrots, three times the iron of spinach, four times as much calcium as milk and...
  6. Agricultural Videos in Kreyol by Wayne Niles Publisher [United States]: ECHO Media: DVD Summary: Discussesraising rabbits, raising chickens, tire stove, goats, moringa, PVC pump, SALT, using oxen. Description: 1 disc30min
  7. 20/1/2012 ECHOAgricultural Conference 2012 Publisher [United States] : ECHO, [2012] Media: DVD Summary: Speakers will share practical solutions to agricultural challenges, personal experiences and strategies for improving the lives of millions who daily face the threat of starvation. The event offers an...
  8. Edible Portion: Leaves, Flowers, Fruit, Seeds, Roots, Bark, Pods, Spice, Vegetable A small tree up to 9-12 m high. The trunk is 60 cm across. The wood is soft. It has feather-like divided leaves. The tree losesits leaves during the year. The bark is grey and thick. It is corky and peels off in...
  9. 4/10/2021 Este artículo es resultado de la investigación de ECHO en la provincia sudafricana de Limpopo, de 2010 a 2015, con el apoyo de la Fundación Howard G. Buffett. Resume los resultados publicados en una revista científica por Motis et al. (2017). El artículo original puede encontrarse en...